Sergey V Ponomarev, Elena P Miroshnikova, Olga A Levina, Yulia V Fedorovykh, Aliya B Akhmedzhanova
Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2023. Vol. 106, no 2. Р. 136-151.
Original article
Apple pomace in fish grower food
Sergey V Ponomarev1,2, Elena P Miroshnikova3, Olga A Levina4, Yulia V Fedorovykh 5,
Aliya B Akhmedzhanova6
1,3,4,5,6Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia
2Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky, Moscow, Russia
3Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
Abstract. At present antioxidants of natural origin are the most popular. Antimicrobial properties of plant extracts containing polyphenols are known. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of cultivation is the use of plant feed additives - apple pomace with a high content of antioxidants, which will reduce the chemical load on the body while maintaining the environmental safety of products. Thus, the purpose of our work was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of apple pulp in production feeds for valuable species of fish – sturgeon and tilapia. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Innovation Center "Bioaquapark – STC of Aquaculture" of the Astrakhan State Technical University. Taking into account the biological features of the nutrition of thermophilic fish, feed recipes with different contents of raw materials of vegetable origin (apple pulp) were developed: 6,0% (test 1), 12,0% (test 2), 24,0% (test 3). The fish of the control group received a diet without the addition of a plant component. The tests carried out made it possible to establish that the use of a vegetable component in the feed - apple pomace as a source of antioxidants, revealed the compliance of the feed with the requirements of GOST – 2014. According to the indicators of growth, survival, as well as the physiological state of fish at the end of cultivation, it was found that 12.0% is the optimal replacement of fishmeal for apple pulp in feeds for sturgeon fish, and 6% - in production feeds for tilapia. In addition, it helps to reduce the cost of compound feed by 10-15%.
Keywords: apple pulp, feed, feeding, sturgeon, tilapia, antioxidants, growth, hematological parameters
Acknowledgments: the work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Project № 22-26-00008.
For citation: Ponomarev SV, Miroshnikova EP, Levina OA, Fedorovykh YuV, Akhmedzhanova AB. Apple pomace in fish grower food. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2023;106(2):136-151. (In Russ.).
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Information about the authors:
Sergey V Ponomarev, Dr. Sci. (Biology), Head of the Laboratory "Sturgeon Breeding and Promising Aquaculture Objects", Astrakhan State Technical University, 414056, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., p. 16/1, cell: 8-908-611-95-53; Professor of the Department "Ichthyology and Fish Farming", Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky", building 9 14 Shabolovka str., Moscow, 119049, cell: 8-908-611-95-53.
Elena P Miroshnikova, Dr. Sci. (Biology), Professor, Head of the Department "Biotechnology of Animal Raw Materials and Aquaculture", Orenburg State University, 460018, Orenburg, 13 Pobedy Ave., tel.: 8-987-862-98-86.
Olga A Levina, Cand. Sci. (Agriculture), Junior Researcher of the Laboratory " Sturgeon Breeding and Promising Aquaculture Objects", Astrakhan State Technical University, 414056, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., p. 16/1, cell: 8-960-863-15-90.
Yulia V Fedorovykh, Cand. Sci. (Agriculture), Researcher at the Laboratory "Sturgeon Breeding and Promising Aquaculture Objects", Astrakhan State Technical University, 16/1 Tatishcheva str., Astrakhan, 414056, cell: 8-961-815-93-29.
Aliya B Akhmedzhanova, Cand. Sci. (Biology), Leading Engineer of the Laboratory " Sturgeon Breeding and Promising Aquaculture Objects", Astrakhan State Technical University, 16/1 Tatishcheva str., Astrakhan, 414056, cell: 8-988-062-53-01.
The article was submitted 13.03.2023; approved after reviewing 19.05.2023; accepted for publication 13.06.2023.