Marina A Chasovshchikova, Vera V Punegovа

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024. Vol. 107, no 2. Р. 107-115.


Original article

Biological and economic characteristics of Black Spotted cows of different productivity levels


Marina A Chasovshchikova1, Vera V Punegovа2

1,2Nothern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Tyumen, Russia,


Abstract. The article discusses the biological and economic characteristics of Black Spotted cows with different levels of milk productivity in the conditions of the Tyumen region. For the research, cows that had been removed from the herd for three years were selected. They were divided into three groups depending on the amount of milk yield in maximum lactation. It was found that cows with record milk yields for the herd were characterized by greater early maturity; their advantage in live weight at the age of 10 and 12 months was 7.9 (P≤0.05) and 8.9 kg (P≤0.05) compared with animals with the lowest milk yield, respectively. In the first lactation, cows with maximum milk productivity were distinguished by deeper, but less voluminous chest; their long leg, chest and bone indexes had the lowest values. Analysis of the main signs of longevity showed that highly productive cows had the longest duration of economic use (+206 – 565 days; P≤0.001), lifetime milk yield (+6904 – 15792 kg; P≤0.001) and the amount of milk fat  and  protein  (+478 – 1104 kg; P≤0.001),  and  the  number  of  calves  obtained  per cow averaged 4.28 heads, which is 16-35% more compared to other groups (P≤0.001).

Keywords: cows, Black Spotted breed, live weight, milk yield in highest lactation, measurement, index, productive longevity, lifetime productivity

Acknowledgments: the work was performed in accordance to the plan of research works for 2023-2025 Nothern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University (No. 12402200199-9).

For citation: Chasovshchikova МА, Punegovа VV. Biological and economic characteristics of Black Spotted cows of different productivity levels. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(2):107-115. (In Russ.).



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Information about the authors:

Marina A Chasovshchikova, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor of Chair of Production Technology and Processing of Livestock Products, Nothern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Republic Street, 7, Tyumen, 625003, tel.: 8(3452)29-03-91.

Vera V Punegova, master's student, Nothern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Republic Street, 7, Tyumen, 625003, tel.: 8(3452)29-01-72.

The article was submitted 02.05.2024; approved after reviewing 27.05.2024; accepted for publication 10.06.2024.
