Erlan S Medetov

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024. Vol. 107, no. 2. Р. 128-138.


Original article

Interior parameters of the Holstein-Friesian cows with the combined use of krezacin

and sex hormones


1Erlan S Medetov

1Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia,


Abstract. The paper presents the results of studies of blood parameters of Holstein-Friesian cows during the synchronization of heat using the adaptogen - krezacin. Two groups of uninseminated cows of 21 heads each were formed. All animals underwent synchronization of estrus according to the Ovsynch scheme (1 day - releasing hormone, 8 days - prostaglandin, 10 days - releasing hormone and insemination, 11 days - insemination). Every day for 11 days, the cows of the experimental group were fed with 2,5 g of kresacine. Blood for research was taken on the 1st, 8th and 11th days. During the experiment, slight fluctuations in hematological parameters were observed in cows of both groups, which did not go beyond the physiological norm. During the same period, there was a slight decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood of cows in the control group (by 14.4%). In the cows of the experimental group, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreased very slightly (by 2.7%). Presumably, the use of krezacin optimizes the processes of tissue respiration in animals. There was a slight decrease in the level of glucose in the blood serum of cows of both groups by the 8th day of stimulation, and then a significant increase in it by the time of insemination by 9.6-42.0% compared to the previous one. This indicates a sufficient energy supply to the body of experimental animals during the induction of the sexual cycle. The level of progesterone in the blood of cows by the 8th day of stimulation increased in both groups by 66.1-86.9% compared to the initial level (P≤0.01). Then, after estrofan injection, progesterone levels decreased by 47.4-56.3% (P≤0.05). A more significant decrease in this indicator was observed in cows of the experimental group, i.e., those receiving krezacin. The content of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the blood of animals by the 8th day of stimulation was lower than the initial level by 42.4-55.8%. By day 11, the FSH level increased by 103.1-104.3%. At the same time, significant changes were noted in the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) and estriol (an increase in estrogen levels precedes the release of LH into the blood, which is necessary for the implementation of the ovulation process in the ovaries of cows). After a significant increase in the content of free estriol in the blood of cows of both groups by the 8th day, its level decreased by the 11th day in the I group by 5.4% (P≥0.05), in the II group – by 11.01% (P ≤0.05). LH levels changed similarly. In cows of the I group, by the 8th day it decreased by 14.2% (P≤0.05), and by the 11th day it slightly and unreliably increased by 2.8%. In group 2, the LH content in the blood of cows increased evenly and by the 11th day exceeded the previous one by 21.4% (P≤0.05). More significant changes in the levels of sex hormones were noted in the experimental group of cows. As a result of the above processes, the fertility of cows from frontal insemination in the group receiving krezacin exceeded the control by 9.52%.

Keywords: cows, Holstein-Friesian breed, stimulation of estrus, Ovsynch scheme, krezacin, frontal insemination, fertility, blood parameters

Acknowledgments: the work was carried out in accordance with the research plan for 2024-2026 FSBSI FSC BST RAS (No. FNWZ-2024-0001).

For citation: Medetov ES. Interior parameters of the Holstein-Friesian cows with the combined use of krezacin and sex hormones. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(2):128-138. (In Russ.).



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Information about the authors:

Erlan S Medetov, Postgraduate student, research specialist of the Department of Technology of Beef Cattle Breeding and Beef Production, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 29 9 Yanvarya St., Orenburg, 460000.

The article was submitted 13.03.2024; approved after reviewing 02.04.2024; accepted for publication 10.06.2024.
