Besaliev IN, Mironenko SI.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024. Vol. 107, no 4. Р. 324-336.


Original article

Yield and grain quality of spring durum wheat in the conditions of the Orenburg Cis-Urals


Ishen N Besaliev1, Sergey I Mironenko2

1,2Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia,,


Abstract. The article contains an analysis of the prevalence of spring durum wheat crops in the world and in the Orenburg region, and yields over a long period. There is a tendency to decrease the productivity of this crop over the studied period, primarily due to the increasing aridity of the growing season. The results of a correlation and regression analysis of the dependence of its yield on the main weather indicators are presented, while identifying their optimal values for the formation of highly productive crops of this crop. Analyzing the obtained dependencies, attention is focused on the intensity of the growing conditions of spring durum wheat in recent years in the arid zone, which do not allow realizing the potential of this crop. The calculated coefficients of the relationship between the yield of this crop and weather factors show reliable dependences on the temperature regime of May, July, the amount of precipitation in May and the relative humidity of the entire growing season. The results of the mathematical dependence of durum wheat grain quality indicators on the weather characteristics of the growing season are presented. At the same time, the optimal air temperature values in May were 13.4 °C, in June 15.0 °C, in July 23.3 °C, according to the amount of precipitation, the optimal amount for the months of vegetation was 30 mm in May and June and 36 mm in July. The above–mentioned optimal values of weather factors in May corresponded to the theoretical yield of durum wheat up to 30.0 c from 1 ha, the optimal values in June - 22.6 c from 1 ha and the optimal values in July – 18.9 c from 1 ha. Correlation coefficients and actual data on grain quality indicators allow us to note their significant variability from the conditions of the growing season and varietal specificity. A high correlation (r = 0,827-0,926) was established for the studied grain quality indicators with average relative humidity and with an average daily humidity deficit. The average relationship (r = 0.635-0.745) was obtained for the average air temperature, maximum air temperature and average daily humidity deficit. Grain quality is subject to variability from the conditions of the growing season: in harvest years, there is an increase in the vitreous content of grain to 92-93%, and in years with an increase in the temperature regime of the air, there is an improvement in the quality of gluten to the level of class II.

Keywords: grain crops, spring durum wheat, air temperature, relative air humidity, yield, grain quality, Orenburg Cis-Urals

Acknowledgments: the work was performed in accordance to the plan of research works for 2022-2026 FSBRI FRC BST RAS (No. FNWZ-2022-0014).

For citation: Besaliev IN, Mironenko SI. Yield and grain quality of spring durum wheat in the conditions of the Orenburg Cis-Urals. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(4):324-336. (In Russ.).



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Information about the authors:

Ishen N Besaliev, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Head of the Department of Grain and Forage Crops Technologies, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 27/1 Gagarin Ave., Orenburg, 460051, tel.: +79228665599.

Sergey I Mironenko, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Head of the Structural unit, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 27/1 Gagarin Ave., Orenburg, 460051, tel.: +79228115300.

The article was submitted 13.08.2024; approved after reviewing 17.10.2024; accepted for publication 16.12.2024.
