Khaynatsky V.Yu.

Own productivity as breeding value evaluation criterion of beef bulls

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-1-112

UDC 636.082

Own productivity as breeding value evaluation criterion of beef bulls

V.Yu. Khaynatsky

FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

Summary. Based on studies conducted in the leading breeding farms «Chapaevsky» (West Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan) and «Krasny October» (Volgograd region) on improvement of the Kazakh white-headed cattle through selection on growth intensity, extensive material on testing of 888 breeding bulls on their own productivity was analyzed. 69.7 % of animals corresponded to the elite-record class, 20.4 % – to the elite class, 9.5 % – to the first class.

The average live weight of bulls at the age of 15 months ranged from 420 to 486 kg depending on the year and farms. Animals that exceeded live weight of their herdmates – by 110-120 kg were identified, simultaneously they were evaluated by their own productivity by average daily gain – by 200-250 g.

Selection traits were characterized by a high degree of variability. At the age of 15 months live weight of bulls was closely related to the average daily growth over the period from 8 to 15 months and meat forms, evaluated at the end of the test.The cost of feed had a negative relationship with body weight at 15 months.

The calculation of the breeding effect according to growth intensity is shown using the example of selecting 10 % of the best animals. With a heritability of 50 % and a selection differentiation of 244 g of fathers, the selection effect on growth intensity per generation can reach more than 60 g.

The substantiation of expediency of using indicators of own productivity of bulls of beef breeds for an estimation of their breeding value is given.

Key words: breeding bulls, Kazakh white-headed breed, assessment, own productivity, live weight, growth intensity, selection differential, selection effect.


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    Haynatsky Valery Yuryevich, doctorofagriculturalsciences, FSBSI «FederalResearchCenterforBiologicalSystemsandAgrotechnologiesoftheRussianAcademyofSciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29,tel.: 8-9225-33-67-59
