Ulimbashev MB.
DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-2-107
UDC 636.084.1(470.64)
Dynamics of live weight and feed conversion by the Red Steppe and Red Spotted bulls reared according to the technology of dairy cattle breeding
M B Ulimbashev
North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center (Stavropol region, Mikhaylovsk, Russia)
Summary. Studies on live weight dynamics, average daily weight gain and feed conversion by weight gain of bulls of the Red Steppe and Red Spotted breed. Newborn calves were grouped on the 2-3rd day of birth. The provision of young animals with feed for 18 months of growing and fattening averaged 33 centners of energy feed units and 350 kg of digestible protein per head. At birth, significant interbreed differences between calves were not found. Subsequently, Red Spotted bulls were distinguished by higher live weight and, as a result of a more intensive weight increase to the end of fattening (18 months), advanced over their peers of the Red Steppe breed by 32 kg (P≤0.001), according to average live weight gains for the entire analyzed period they advanced by 66 g (P≤0,001). During this period, live weight compared with that at birth of bulls of Red Steppe breed increased 15.85 times against 17.35 – among the peers of the Red Spotted breed (P≤0.001). The latter differed by less expensive consumption of nutrients per unit of live weight increase – on average, 6.93 energy feed units and 0.748 kg of digestible protein versus 7.22 and 0.779 kg in animals of the Red Steppe breed. Thus, in the lowlands of Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Red Spotted bulls unlike their peers of the Red Steppe breed, under the same feeding and keeping conditions are characterized by a higher live weight, average daily gains, coefficient of live weight increase and better feed conversion during all the analyzed research periods.
Key words: bulls, breed, Red Spotted breed, Red Steppe breed, live weight, weight gain, feed conversion.
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Ulimbashev Murat Borisovich, Dr. Sci (Agr.),Leading Researcher Laboratory for Industrial Technology in Livestock Production,Assistant Professor, North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center,356241, Stavropol krai, Mikhaylovsk, 49Nikonov Street, tel.: 8-963-393-70-87, e-mail: murat-ul@yandex.ru
Received: 14 June 2019; Accepted: 17 June 2019;Published: 28 June 2019.