Miroshnikov S.A., Frolov A.N., Zavyalov O.A., Kurilkina M.Ya.

Reference intervals of concentrations of essential and toxic elements in hair of beef cattle

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-1-31

UDC 636.085:577.17(470.5)

Reference intervals of concentrations of essential and toxic elements in hair of beef cattle

 S.A. Miroshnikov1,2, A.N. Frolov1, O.A. Zavyalov1, M.Ya. Kurilkina1

1FSBSI«Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

2 FSBEI HE «Orenburg State University»

 Summary. The main purpose of this study was to determine the limits of physiological (normal) content of chemical elements in hair of cows and heifers. The studies covered Hereford cows and heifers bred in the biogeochemical province of the Southern Urals. In hair samples, the concentration of 19 chemical elements (As, B, Cd, Hg, Li, Ni, Pb, Sn, Sr, V, I, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Se, Si, Zn) was studied using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Reference intervals were calculated using methodological recommendations in accordance with the recommendations of IUPAC. It has been established that for most essential (Co, Fe, Li, Mn, Si, and V) and toxic microelements (B, Cd, Ni, and Sr), the narrowest intervals were observed in heifers, though wider intervals (except for Cr, As and Hg) were characteristic for cows. Cows had significantly higher concentrations of Co, I, and V, exceeding the corresponding figures for heifers by 31, 24 and 28%. The content of toxic elements (B, Cd, Pb and Sr) in wool of the cows was higher than that of heifers by 62, 27, 17 and 31% respectively. It was concluded that the data obtained can be used as reference intervals to diagnose elementosis in Hereford heifers and cows bred in the Southern Urals.

Key words: cows, heifers, Hereford breed, elemental status, reference intervals, diagnostics, correction, wool (hair).


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    Miroshnikov Sergey Aleksandrovich, doctor of biological sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences» 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)43-46-41; FSBEI HE «Orenburg State University», 460018, Russia, Orenburg, pr. Pobedy, 13, e-mail: vniims.or@mail.ru

    Frolov Alexey Nikolaevich, candidate of agricultural sciences, Department for Beef Cattle Technology and Beef Production FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)43-46-78, e-mail: forleh@mail.ru

    Zavyalov Oleg Aleksandrovich, candidate of agricultural sciences, Department for Beef Cattle Technology and Beef Production FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)43-46-78, e-mail: oleg-zavyalov83@mail.ru

    Kurilkina Marina Yakovlevna, candidate of biological sciences, Testing Center FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)77-39-97, e-mail: icvniims@mаil.ru
