Gerasimov N.P., Dubovskova M.P., Chizhova L.N., Surzhikova E.S., Kolpakov V.I., Dzhulamanov E.B.

Creation of ecological-genetic group of sires taking into account phenotypic and gene-marker resources in the population of the Herefords of Stavropol

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-1-96

UDC 636.082(470.63)

Creation of ecological-genetic group of sirestaking into account phenotypic

and gene-marker resourcesin the population of the Herefords of Stavropol

N.P. Gerasimov1, M.P. Dubovskova1, L.N. Chizhova2, E.S. Surzhikova2, V.I. Kolpakov1,

E.B. Dzhulamanov1

1FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

2All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center

Summary. Studies were carried out with aim of creating a group of the Hereford cattle with the desired genotype and given productivity parameters. The research work was carried out in the breeding farms of the SEC (collective farm) «Rodina» and JSC «Belokopanskoe» of Stavropol Territory using a selection of Hereford breed animals: sires, cows, and bulls. Identifying the ecological genetic group, the given parameters of productivity were guided: the live weight of full-aged bulls was 900 kg and higher, and the cows were not less than 540 kg. The successors of genealogical lines were selected by weight growth: 15-month bulls – at the level of elite class (405 kg and above). The milk content of cows is no less than 212 kg. Limiting values ​​for sires in height in the sacrum are defined at a level of at least 138 cm, cows – 130 cm, and bulls aged 15 months. – 119 cm. In the created breeding-genetic group of manufacturing bulls, exclusively horned animals were selected. Along the line of Forder 191Y, the successors had a limit of exceeding the body weight of the target parameter in the range of 5–70 kg, in height in the sacrum –1-9 cm. The excess of the target parameter of live weight is set in the group of descendants of Enhancer TNK-1 – from 50 to 250 kg. The descendants of the bull Tully 65x exceeded the elite record class by 5-130 kg, according to the height measurement of the herd’s peers – by 4-9 cm, M. Duty 141ANA – by 96-111 kg and 8-9 cm, respectively. Genetic control of the selected livestock involves elements of marker selection based on beef productivity and quality. 17 heads from the group of replacement bulls (n=32 goals) had «desirable» alleles of 2 or more marker genes in their genotype. Only 6 fathers of genealogical lines were characterized by the absence of a favorable mutation in the loci under study. A separate group of highly productive herds has a distinct genealogical structure, consisting of followers of 3 genealogical lines.

Key words: beef cattle breeding, sires, Hereford breed, selection, genotype, live weight, average daily gain, carcass weight, meat quality.


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    Gerasimov Nikolai Pavlovich, candidate of agricultural sciences, Beef Cattle Breeding Department FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)43-46-41, e-mail:

    Dubovckova Marina Pavlovna, doctor of agricultural sciences, Laboratory of Beef Cattle Selection FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8-922-621-61-78, e-mail:

    Chizhova Lyudmila Nicolaevna, doctor of agricultural sciences,professorAll-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center, 355017, Russia, Stavropol, Zootechnicheskii per. 15, tel.: 8(8652)71-72-18, e-mail:

    SurzhikovaEvgeniaSemenovna, candidate of agricultural sciences, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian FederalScientific Agrarian Center,355017, Russia, Stavropol, Zootechnicheskii per. 15,tel.: 8(8652)71-72-18, e-mail:

    Kolpakov Vladimir Ivanovish, candidate of agricultural sciences, Laboratory of Beef Cattle Selection FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9Yanvarya, 29

    Dzhulamanov Erzhan Brelevich, candidate of agricultural sciences, Laboratory of Beef Cattle Selection FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9Yanvarya, 29
