Nurzhanov B.S., Levakhin Yu.I., Ryazanov V.A., Dzhulamanov E.B., Poberukhin M.M.

Variety of different fat-containing drugs including micro- and nanoelements in animal
feeding (review)


UDC 636.085

Variety of different fat-containing drugs including micro- and nanoelements in animal feeding (review)

B.S. Nurzhanov, Yu.I. Levakhin, V.A. Ryazanov, E.B. Dzhulamanov, M.M. Poberukhin

FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

Summary. In the practice of feeding highly productive animals, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of fat and mineral supplements. There are many different feed additives in the world that cover a deficiency in certain nutrients, but the effect of their components in the complex on the body is little studied or not studied at all. Every year, new facts appear that significantly change our understanding of how to properly ration supplements in diets, what their role and influence on the microbiome of the gastrointestinal tract, and how they interact with each other.

In this connection, the actual task is to carry out further work on the improvement of existing and creation of new types of feed additives, including fat-containing preparations with the inclusion of micro- and nanoelements.

Key words: animals, feeding, fat-containing preparation, microelements, nanoelements.


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    Nurzhanov Baer Serekpaevich, candidate of agricultural sciences, Department of Agricultural Animals Nutrition and Fodder Technology named after S.G. Leushin, FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)43-46-79, e-mail:

    Levakhin Yury Ivanovich, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Department of Agricultural Animals Nutrition and Fodder Technology named after S.G. Leushin, FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)43-46-79, e-mail:

    Ryazanov Vitaly Aleksandrovich, Department of Agricultural Animals Nutrition and Fodder Technology named after S.G. Leushin, FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)43-46-79, e-mail:,

    Dzhulamanov Erzhan Brelevich, candidate of agricultural sciences, Laboratory of Beef Cattle Selection FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9Yanvarya, 29

    Poberukhin Mikhail Mikhaylovich, doctor of agricultural sciences, Department for Beef Cattle Technology and Beef Production FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)43-46-78
