Grebennikov VG, Shipilov IA, Honina OV.

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-2-163

UDC 633.2/.3:631.445.51(470.63)


Research was carried out according the plan of reasearch scientific works on 2011-2015 yy.(No and  2014-2018 yy (No 0726-2014-0011) All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center

Energy-saving technology of growing perennial herbs on degraded chestnut soils of dry steppe zone

V G Grebennikov, I A Shipilov, O V Honina

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center (Stavropol, Russia)

Summary. Given low humus content of chestnut soils in dry steppe zone, 70 % of area of ​​which is used for the production of grain, their high tilling, agriculture in this zone is associated with an increased ecological risk. It is recommended that a significant part of such eroded arable land be occupied by perennial grasses and forage lands in order to preserve and improve its soil meliorative state through the use of the soil-protective potential of perennial grasses. Our five-year studies have shown that polyspecies legume-grass mixtures, seeded in early spring to winter triticale, possessed high ecological plasticity and productivity. The highest yields on average over five years were provided by triticale+agrophytocenosis (elongated wheat grass, sweet clover, alfalfa, sainfoin): green mass – 14.2 t/ha, dry matter – 3.9 t/ha, crude protein – 654 kg/ha. The use of a grain-feed link with winter triticale and perennial grasses ensured the effective use of arable land, reduced energy costs per 1 hectare of crop rotation, reliably increasing the yield of exchange energy to 44.7 GJ/ha on average for five years, which 40 % higher compared to sowing triticale and alfalfa. In a mixture with tricycale, perennial legume-cereal agrophytocenoses rather effectively used part of potentially evaporated moisture for production, reduced deflationary processes on erosion-prone areas of sloping lands, contributed to the accumulation of soil moisture in the autumn-winter period, which allowed rational use of it in the period of spring-summer vegetation of plants. Thus, in degraded land arable land, sowing of perennial leguminous and cereal grasses in winter triticale is an effective method of increasing their productivity and prolonging productive longevity on the newly formed soil-protective grassland phytocenoses.

Key words: fodder production, agrophytocenosis, deflation, productivity of grass stand, winter triticale, perennial grasses, legume-grass mixture, energy efficiency, Stavropol Territory.


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    Grebennikov Vadim Guseynovich,Dr. Sci (Agr.), ChiefResearcher of theDepartmentofFeedingandFodderProduction,All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center, 355017, Stavropol, Russia, 15Zootekhnichesky lane, tel.: 8(8652)35-04-82, е-mail:

    Shipilov Ivan Alekseevich,Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Leading Researcher of theDepartmentofFeedingandFodderProduction, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center, 355017, Stavropol, Russia, 15Zootekhnichesky lane, tel.: 8(8652)35-04-82, е-mail:

    Honina Olesya Viktorovna,Cand. Sci. (Agr.),Senior Researcher of theDepartmentofFeedingandFodderProduction, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center, 355017, Stavropol, Russia, 15Zootekhnichesky lane, tel.: 8-919-738-1402, е-mail:

Received: 20 May 2019; Accepted: 17 June 2019; Published: 28 June 2019
