E A Azhmuldinov, M G Titov, M A Kizaev, I A Babicheva, N V Soboleva


Research was carried out according the plan of research scientific works on 2019-2021 yy. FSBSI FRC BST RAS (No 0761-2019-0006)

 DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-3-8

 UDC 636.085:577.17


The role of silver nanoparticles in technological stresses of bulls

E A Azhmuldinov1, M G Titov1, M A Kizaev1, I A Babicheva2, N V Soboleva2

1Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg, Russia)

2Orenburg State Agrarian University (Orenburg, Russia)

Summary. Researches of the effect of silver nanoparticles on animal organism at technological stresses were carried out on Black Spotted bulls in JSC Agrofirm «Nur» in Sterlibashevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Three groups with 15 heads in each were formed: one control and two experimental groups. Experimental animals were intramuscularly injected with an emulsion (pH – 9.5, redox potential Eh=-450 mV) with silver nanoparticles in doses: group I – 0.01 mg/kg body weight and II – 0.05 mg/kgbody weight, once a day for seven days prior to the action of stress factors (8 months – rearrangement, 18 months – transportation to meat processing plant and pre-slaughtering keeping).

An emulsion with silver nanoparticles in doses of 0.01 and 0.05 mg/kg helps to reduce body stress when exposed to a stress factor. It was reflected in the indicators of serum enzymatic activity of the experimental groups, it increased after the exposure of stress factors, but to a much lesser extent than that of the control animals. After transport stress, the activity of aminotransferases in relation to control animals was lower: gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) – by 11.1 and 7.4%; aspartate aminotransferase (AST) – by 6.6 and5.8%; alanine aminotransferase (ALT) – by 31.4 and 29.9%. During the experiment, bulls of groups I and II advanced in live weight at the age of 18 months by 1.9 and 1.7% compared to control animals, and by average daily weight gain – by 4.7 and 3.2%. They occupied a more favorable position in terms of meat productivity: by weight of fresh carcass – by 4.2 and 3.4%, slaughter mass – by 4.2 and 3.3% and slaughter yield – by 0.3 and 0.2% more than analogues of the basic variant. The highest result was achieved after intramuscular administration of an emulsion with silver nanoparticles at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg.

Key words: bulls, silver nanoparticles, gamma-glutamyltransferase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, transportation, live weight, stress, beef productivity.


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Azhmuldinov Elemes Azhmuldinovich, Dr. Sci (Agr.), Professor, ChiefResearcher,Department for Beef Cattle Technology and Beef Production, Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 29, 9 Januarya St., tel.: 8(3532)43-46-78

Titow Maxim Gennadevich, Cand. Sci(Agr.), Senior Researcher, Department for Beef Cattle Technology and Beef Production, Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 29, 9 Januarya St., tel.: 8(3532)43-46-78, e-mail: titow.ru@mail.ru

Kizaev Mikhail Anatolevich, Cand. Sci (Agr.),ScientificSecretary, Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 29, 9 Januarya St., tel.: 8(3532)43-46-78,e-mail: kma.or@mail.ru

Babicheva Irina Andreevna, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Head of Department of Chemistry,OrenburgStateAgrarianUniversity, 460014, Orenburg, Russia, 18, Chelyuskintsev St.,tel./fax: 8(3532)77-52-30, e-mail: babicheva74-09@mail.ru

Soboleva Natalya Vladimirovna, Cand. Sci (Agr.),Assoc. Prof.Department of Livestock Production and Processing Technology, OrenburgStateAgrarianUniversity, 460014, Orenburg, Russia, 18, Chelyuskintsev St.,tel.:89033676715, e-mail:natalya.soboleva12@mail.ru

Received: 21 August 2019; Accepted: 16 September 2019; Published: 30 September 2019
