M P Mordvintsev, TE Kaliakhmetov, MS Baysiitova

 DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-3-135

 UDC 633.1:631.559(470.56)

Analysis of varietal resources of main spring grain crops used in agricultural production

of the Adamovsky district of Orenburg region

M P Mordvintsev1, T E Kaliakhmetov2, M S Baysiitova2

1 Orenburg State Agrarian University (Orenburg, Russia)

2 Adamovsky branch of the FSBI Rosselkhoztsentr branch (Adamovka village, Orenburg region)

Summary. We analyzed the completeness of varietal resources of main spring crops, the varietal qualities of seeds of these crops sown in the farms of Adamovsky district of Orenburg region, state and tasks of varietal change and varietal renewal in the agricultural production of the region and assessed economic efficiency of the possible change of soft and durum wheat in the region.

A rather competent varietal policy of Adamovsky's farmers is shown, it is due to the large number of large and efficient seed farms and active seed production in the area of a​​ former Orenburg Research Institute of Agriculture. At the same time, excessive varietal resources of main spring grain crops were established in the region and optimization of their varietal composition was recommended by eliminating varieties from low-yielding varieties with inferior quality, that is, by varietal change.

The use of a large number of original seeds of grain crops in Adamovsky district has been established, indicating their well-established primary seed production, focused not only on meeting the needs of the region, but also the entire Orenburg region. However, sowing of ​​ mass reproduction seeds in the fields of the area indicates the need to intensify the varietal renewal.

The calculations showed that replacing old spring wheat varieties with new ones in Adamovsky district will make it possible to obtain an additional gross yield of its products and increase the economic efficiency of grain production.

Key words: spring soft wheat, spring durum wheat, barley, oat, productivity, varieties, seeds, seed production, variety exchange, variety renewal,Orenburg region.


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Mordvintsev Mikhail Pavlovich, Dr. Sci. (Agr.),Researcher,Scientific Advisory ServiceDepartment of Research and Training,Orenburg State Agrarian University, Senior Researcher, 460001, Russia, Orenburg, 2 Malo-Torgovy lane, tel.: +7-906-841-63-80, e-mail: mormp56@mail.ru

Kaliakhmetov Talgat Esirkesinovich,Head ofAdamovsky branch of the FSBI Rosselkhoztsentr branchintheOrenburgregion, 462830, Russia, Orenburgregion, Adamovsky district, Adamovka village, 37А LeninSt., tel.: (353)65-2-14-03

Baysiitova Madina Seilkhanovna, Specialist ofAdamovsky branch of the FSBI Rosselkhoztsentr branchintheOrenburgregion, 462830, Russia, Orenburgregion, Adamovsky district, Adamovka village, 37А Lenin St.,tel.: +7-951-031-72-12

Received: 19 August 2019; Accepted: 16 September 2019; Published: 30 September 2019
