Nemereshina ON, Gusev NF, Trubnikov VV

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-4-69

UDC 582.998.2(470.56)

Peculiarities of elemental composition of milfoil under conditions of technogenic pollution

Olga N Nemereshina1, Nikolay F Gusev2, Victor V Trubnikov3

1Orenburg State Medical University (Orenburg, Russia)

2Orenburg State Agrarian University(Orenburg, Russia)

3Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research Institute) named after

IM Gubkina in Orenburg (Orenburg, Russia)

Summary. Heavy metals are one of the most important technogenic pollutants due to the pronounced ability to cumulate in the surface fertile soil layer and to migrate in food chains.

The article presents the results of determining the elemental composition of medicinal plant materials (grass) of milfoil (Achillea millefolium L.), which grows under various technogenic loads. Milfoil plant samples were collected under the technogenic influence of Orenburg Gas Processing Plant in the territory of sanitary protection zone and various production facilities of the enterprise. The control zone on the territory of the Orenburg district of Orenburg region selected the surroundings of the villages of Kamennozernoe and Nezhinka. The content of Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu, Ba, Sr, Pb, Zr, Ni, Cr, V, Co, Ag, Mo was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry in plant raw materials. It was found that the level of content of the studied heavy metals in raw milfoil growing in the zone of atmospheric emissions of Orenburg gas processing plant significantly exceeds the control indicators. The accumulation of heavy metals in tissues can serve as a factor provoking oxidative stress of plants, lead to a decrease in the productivity of species, and induce the synthesis of components of antioxidant defense systems.

Key words: medicinal plants, feed plant, Achillea millefolium L., heavy metals, plant ecology, environmental pollution, Orenburg region.


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Nemereshina Olga Nikolaevna, Cand. Sci. (Biol), Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, Orenburg State Medical University, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 6 Sovetskaya St., tel.: 8(3532)77-61-03, 77-94-08, 8(905)8901330 e-mail:

Gusev Nikolay Fedorovich, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Bioecology, Orenburg State Agrarian University, 460014, Orenburg, Russia, 18 Chelyuskintsev St., tel: 8(3532)77-52-30, fax: 8(3532)77-52-30, 72-57-06, 8(912)3523669, e-mail:

Trubnikov Victor Vladimirovich, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research Institute) named after IM Gubkin in Orenburg, 460047, Orenburg, Russia, 20 Yunykh Lenintsev St.

Received: 21 November 2019; Accepted: 16 December 2019;Published: 31 December 2019
