Akopyan NA, Harzinova VR, Chydym SM, Zhuchaev KV, Kostyunina OV, Zinovieva NA
DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-4-132 UDC 636.4:636.082.11Genetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA of pigs of Kemerovo breed
Nare A Akopyan1, Veronika R Harzinova1, Syrga M Chydym2, Konstantin V Zhuchaev2,
Olga V Kostyunina1, Natalya A Zinovieva1
1Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member LK Ernst
(Dubrovitsy, Moscow region, Russia)
2Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Summary. The Kemerovo breed of pigs is one of local breeds of Russia. Based on the polymorphism analysis of the control region of mitochondrial DNA and 10 STR loci of the Kemerovo pigs (n = 33) we compared to the most common breeds of pigs: Landrace (n = 26), Large White (n = 59) and Duroc (n = 16), which allowed to assess the level of diversity of the Kemerovo breed. The values of the molecular dispersion demonstrate that Kemerovo pigs are characterized by a relatively low level of genetic diversity. The performed cluster analysis indicates a high degree of genetic consolidation of the studied populations. The data obtained indicate that Kemerovo pigs are characterized by a relatively low level of biodiversity. The haplotypes of mitochondrial DNA of pigs from the Kemerovo breed are more monomorphic and are represented in smaller numbers, which is most likely due to the small population size and is confirmed by the average number of pair differences between the haplotypes of the studied mtDNA fragment (Hd = 0,1794). For pig breeds Kemerovo, Landrace, Duroc and Large White, the level of observed heterozygosity (Ho), calculated using microsatellite loci, was 0.545; 0.555; 0.637 and 0.692, respectively. The results of the studies show that a decrease in genetic diversity is observed for pigs of the Kemerovo breed. The genetic equilibrium of all the studied local breeds of pigs is shifted towards heterozygotes with a ranking of the inbreeding coefficient (Fis) of 0.148 in KEM. The data obtained from maternal lineage of the Kemerovo pigs and data from microsatellites show that this breed has lost its genetic diversity in both its mitochondrial and nuclear genomes.
Key words: pigs, Kemerovo breed, mtDNA, haplotypes, microsatellites, STR, genetic diversity.
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Akopyan Nare Akopovna, Junior Researcher, Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member LK Ernst, 142132, Moscow region, Russia, Podolsk urban district, Dubrovitsy, 60, tel.: +7 9169163070, e-mail: parlenare@gmail.com
Harzinova Veronika Ruslanovna, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Leading Researcher, Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member LK Ernst, 142132, Moscow region, Russia, Podolsk urban district, Dubrovitsy, 60, tel.: +19258790712, e-mail: veronika0784@mail.ru
Chydym Syrga Martoolovna, graduate student, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, 630039, Novosibirsk, Russia, 160 Dobrolyubova St., e-mail: chydym.syrga@yandex.ru
Zhuchaev Konstantin Vasilievich, Dr. Sci. (Biol), Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Technology, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, 630039, Novosibirsk, Russia, 160 Dobrolyubova St., e-mail: nsau@inbox.ru
Kostyunina Olga Vasilievna, Dr. Sci. (Biol), Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Fundamentals of Selection, Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member LK Ernst, 142132, Moscow region, Russia, Podolsk urban district, Dubrovitsy, 60, tel.: +79037415635, e-mail: kostolan@yandex.ru
Zinovieva Natalya Anatolyevna, Dr. Sci. (Biol), Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member LK Ernst, 142132, Moscow region, Russia, Podolsk urban district, Dubrovitsy, 60, e-mail: zinovieva@mail.ru
Received: 30 October 2019; Accepted: 16 December 2019;Published: 31 December 2019