Vladislav N Beresnev, Khamit Kh Tagirov, Alfiya Sh Kamalova, Enje M Andriyanova
DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-104-2-46
UDC 636.084.1:591.11
Morphological and biochemical parameters of the Hereford bulls after feeding with Felucene
carbohydrate complex
Vladislav N Beresnev, Khamit Kh Tagirov, Alfiya Sh Kamalova, Enje M Andriyanova
Bashkir State Agrarian University (Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan)
Summary. Full-value feeding of cattle is the most important problem for agricultural producers. The most important trend is the use of feed additives in the diet. In this regard, the article presents data of scientific and economic experiment conducted to determine the optimal dosage of use of the carbohydrate complex "Felucene" 2-4 up to a year age and then the complex "Felucene" 2-6 to one-and-a-half-year age on the morpho-biochemical status of the Hereford bulls. During the experiment, it was observed that blood of young animals consuming the tested supplements was more saturated with red blood cells, hemoglobin and protein in summer period, the difference was 0,03-0,06*1012/l (0,48-0,92%); 0,83-2,22 g / l (0.69-1.85%; P<0.05-0.01) and 0.84-1.04 g/l (1.17-1.44%); in winter– 0,04-0,09*1012/l (0,60-1,29%); 1,15-2,17 g / l (0.96-1.80%; P≤0.01) and 1.02-1.84 g / l (1.39-2.49%; P≤0.05). The level of natural resistance of body was analyzed in blood by examining its protein fractions. In experimental young animals of group II, the serum albumin content was higher by 0.76 g/l (2.38%) and 0.74 g/l (2.33%); group III – 0.81 g/l (2.55%) and 1.23 g/l (3.88%); and group IV – 0.79 g/l (2.49%) and 0.90 g/l (2.85%), respectively, in summer and winter. The proportion of globulin fraction increased in blood serum due to an increase in the growth of bull calves in the control group by 1.73 g/l (4.29%); group II – by 1.93 g/l (4.79%); III – by 2.11 g/l (5.24%) and IV – by 2.10 g/l (5.20%). In the intergroup aspect, the experimental young animals retained their leading positions in terms of the level of globulins. Alpha-and beta-globulins in animals changed slightly during growth, and the differences in the gamma-globulin fraction were more noticeable. Thus, among the animals receiving the carbohydrate complex "Felucene" K 2-4, K 2-6 and belonging to the III experimental group, the blood saturation with shaped elements was higher, which indicates a positive effect and prospects for the use of a new additive in animal husbandry.
Key words: bulls, feeding, feed additives, blood, red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, protein.
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Beresnev Vladislav Nikolaevich, postgraduate student of the Department of Technology of Meat, Dairy Products and Chemistry, Bashkir State Agrarian University, 450001, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, St. 50 years of October, 34, tel.: +7 (347) 228-07-17, e-mail: chem-bsau@mail.ru
Tagirov Khamit Kharisovich, Dr. Sci. (Agr.), Professor, Department of Technology of Meat, Dairy Products and Chemistry, Bashkir State Agrarian University, 450001, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, St. 50 years of October, 34, tel.: (347)248-28-70; e-mail: tagirov-57@mail.ru
Kamalova Alfiya Shaikhullinovna, Master's student of the Department of Technology of Public Catering and Processing of Vegetable Raw Materials, Bashkir State Agrarian University, 450001, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, St. 50 years of October, 34, tel.: 8(3472)-228-07-17, e-mail: kama-alla@yandex.ru
Received: 19 April 2021; Accepted: 15 June 2021; Published: 30 June 2021