Tatyana D Yampolskaya, Anastasia Yu Anchukova
DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-104-1-156
UDC 637.5(571.122)
Analysis of the meat products quality in retail trade network of Surgut
Tatyana D Yampolskaya1, Anastasia Yu Anchukova2
1Surgut State University (Surgut, Russia)
2Testing Laboratory (Surgut, Russia)
Summary. The work presents sanitary and microbiological characteristics of chilled pork sold in Surgut by retail trade network. The degree of freshness in terms of organoleptic characteristics and surface microflora, the qualitative composition of the microflora of meat products, seeding by the seasons of the year are shown. On the basis of microbiological analysis, some violations of sanitary and hygienic requirements in retail chains were revealed.
Key words: meat, microorganisms, quality of meat products, contamination of meat, retail chains, trade networks.
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Yampolskaya Tatyana Danilovna, Cand. Sci (Biol.), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Surgut State University, st. Lenin, 1, Surgut, Russia, 628412, contact phone: work: 8 (3462)763-157; cell: 8 (912)816-47-53; e-mail: microbiologybfsurgu@mail.ru, yampolska0105@mail.ru
Anchukova Anastasia Yurievna, engineer-microbiologist, Testing Laboratory LLC, st. Engineering, 10, building 1, Surgut, 628412; contact phone: cell 8(982)410-84 21; E-mail: aanchukova@mail.ua
Received: 24 February 2021; Accepted: 15 March 2021; Published: 31 March 2021