Andrey A Martynov, Yakov S Vasiliev, Nyurgina I Alekseeva, Sargylan K Okhlopkov, Anatoly A Bondarev, Foat G Kayumov, Ruziya F Tretyakova, Nadezhda A Tretyakova
DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-104-1-32
UDC 636.082(571.56)
Realization of the reproductive qualities of cows and heifers Kalmyk breed in the farms
of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Andrey A Martynov1, Yakov S Vasiliev1, Nyurgina I Alekseeva1, Sargylan K Okhlopkov1,
Anatoly A Bondarev1, Foat G Kayumov2, Ruziya F Tretyakova2, Nadezhda A Tretyakova 2
1Arctic State Agrotechnological University (Republic of Sakha, Yakutsk, Russia)
2 Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg, Russia)
Summary. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) imported 1106 heads of the Kalmyk cattle to 6 farms in 2013-2014 within the framework of work "Program for the development of beef cattle breeding in Russia for 2009-2012". Currently, Kalmyk cattle are kept in 3 farms in Yakutia: Western, Central and Zarechnaya group of regions. The age of breeding stock varies from 27 to 30 months, with an average of 28.6. The duration of pregnancy ranged from 274 to 280 days, on average 277. The business yield of calves ranges from 83.4 to 90.6%. These data make it possible to assert about the successful acclimatization of Kalmyk animals to new existence conditions. The farms use free mating of ewes. Directed preparation for the breeding company contributed to the fact that all breeding stock bring a crop in the winter and early spring season (February-March months). This technological element allows to increase the use of pastures, to significantly simplify the care of the breeding stock.
The formation of the reproductive function of Kalmyk heifers was satisfactory. Fact of reproduction proceeded without visible deviations from the standard for the Kalmyk cattle. The adaptation process is safely. In this analysis, we give deviations from the mean for each trait in order to distinguish the possibilities for the selection of these parameters. This is also evidenced by the static data, according to many features, the coefficient of variability is more than 20% (Cv). In the conditions of Yakutia, the calving age of first-calf heifers increased to 26.8 months.
Key words: beef cattle breeding, Kalmyk cattle breed, reproductive capacity, business yield of calves, republic of Yakutia.
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Martynov Andrey Andreevich, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Dean of the Faculty of Agrotechnology, Arctic State Agrotechnological University, 677007, Yakutsk, Russia, 3 Sergelyakhskoe highway, 3 km, tel .: +7 (4112) 507-981, fax: +7 (4112) 358162, e-mail:
Vasiliev Yakov Semenovich, 1 year undergraduate student of the Department of General Zootechnics, Faculty of Agrotechnology, Arctic State Agrotechnological University, 677007, Yakutsk, Russia, 3 Sergelyakhskoe highway, 3 km, tel .: +7 (4112) 507-981, fax: +7 (4112) 358162, e-mail:
Alekseeva Nyurgina Illarionovna, assistant of the department “Internal non-communicable diseases, pharmacology and obstetrics named after Serdtseva GP., Arctic State Agrotechnological University, 677010, Yakutsk, Russia, 32/1 Tchaikovsky, office 203 (dean's office), tel./fax: +7 (4112)507985, e-mail:
Okhlopkov Sargylan Konstantinovich, 1 year post-graduate student of the Department of General Animal Science, Agrotechnological Faculty, Arctic State Agrotechnological University, 677007, Yakutsk, Russia, 3 Sergelyakhskoe highway, 3 km, tel .: +7(4112) 507-981, fax: +7 (4112)358162, e-mail:
Bondarev Anatoly Alexandrovich, 3rd year student, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Arctic State Agrotechnological University, 677010, Yakutsk, Russia, 32/1 Tchaikovsky, office 203 (dean's office), tel./fax: +7 (4112) 507985
Kayumov Foat Galimovich, Dr. Sci (Agr.), Professor, Head of Research, Head of the Laboratory for New Breeds and Types of Beef Cattle, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 9 Yanvarya St., 29, tel.: 8(3532)30-81-76, cell.:8-987-341-75-80, е-mail:,
Tretyakova Ruziya Foatovna, Cand. Sci (Biol.), Junior Researcher, Beef Cattle Breeding Department, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 9 Yanvarya St., 29, tel.: 8(3532)30-81-74, e-mail: e-mail:
Tretyakova Nadezhda Andreevna, specialist, Beef Cattle Breeding Department, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 9 Yanvarya St., 29, tel.: 8(3532)30-81-74, e-mail: e-mail:
Received: 12 March 2021; Accepted: 15 March 2021; Published: 31 March 2021