Musa S Gabaev

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-104-1-43

UDC 636.32/.38(470.64)


The work was done according to the plan of research scientific works № 0212-2019-0258 Animal Husbandry laboratory IA  KBRC RAS

Economic efficiency of mountain sheep breeding, depending on the live weight of ewes

Musa S Gabaev

Institute of Agriculture - Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center" Kabardino-Balkarian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences ISKh KBSC RAS) (Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russia)

Summary. The influence of ewes live weight on the efficiency of sheep breeding of the Karachay breed was studied using the technology of year-round pasture keeping in the specific conditions of the mountain zone of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic (KBR).

The selection was carried out and 5 groups of purebred ewes of the intra-breed type "kara muyuz" were formed, at the age of 3.5 years, depending on the live weight with a class interval of 5 kg: I – 36-40 kg, II – 41-45 kg, III – 46-50 kg, IV – 51-55 kg, V – more than 55 kg. In October, the ewes in all groups were inseminated with elite sheep-producers of the same age, live weight, shearing, and intra-breed type. As lambing progressed, experimental groups of 25 sheep were formed for each main group.

The conducted studies have shown that the live weight and milkiness of Karachai ewes are closely related. They are also one of the main selection parameters that provide higher fertility of ewes, viability, growth potential and development of lambs, which ultimately determine the efficiency of the industry.

The larger ewes in terms of their milkiness exceeded their peers by 8.5-4.6 kg (P≤0.001). The difference in live weight in favor of rams obtained from ewes of groups III, IV and V ranged from: at birth – 0.9-0.3 kg (P≤0.001 and P≤0.05), at 20 days of age-2.8-1.3 kg (P≤0.001), during weaning at 4 months of age - 5.3-1.2 kg (P≤0.001 and P≤0.01), at 6 months of age, after feeding on mountain pastures – 7.9-2.5 kg (P≤0.001 and P≤0.001, P≤0.01).A similar pattern of ratios was observed for the absolute and average daily increase in live weight of experimental young animals.

The ewes profitability of group II ranged in the limits of 25,3-25, 6 %, group III, IV and V for the sale of lambs in 4 months - 46.1%, 47.9% and 48.8%, in 6 months - 48.2%, 50.2% and 50.5%, respectively, which exceeds the efficiency indicators of ewes keeping group II and raising their offspring by 1.84-2 times. As a result of the extension of feeding on mountain pastures for 60 days, up to 6 months of age of lambs, the profitability of groups III, IV and V increased by 1.7-2.3 %. Obtaining and raising lambs from ewes group I is unprofitable, regardless of the timing of the lambs sale.

Consequently, breeding work aimed at increasing the live weight of Karachai ewes to an average of 50 kg will contribute to improving both the efficiency and economic efficiency of mountain meat-coarse-wool sheep breeding.

Key words: mountain sheep breeding, ewes, rams, Karachay breed, pasture content, living mass, milkness, fecundity, growth, efficiency, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic


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Gabaev Musa Sultanovich, Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Senior Researcher, Institute of Agriculture - Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center" Kabardino-Balkarian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences"(ISKh KBSC RAS), 360004, 224 Kirov St, Nalchik, Russia, tel: 8(8662) 77-03-16, e-mail:

Received: 12 March 2021; Accepted: 15 March 2021; Published: 31 March 2021
