Edige G Nasambaev, Aliya B Akhmetalieva, Aruzhan E Nugmanova, Yerkingali A Batyrgaliev, Kharon A Amerkhanov, Foat G Kayumov, Nadezhda A Tretyakova

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-104-1-65

UDC 636.085:636.088.31(574.1)

The influence of various feed additives on the efficiency of growing young

Kazakh white-headed breed

Edige G Nasambaev1, Aliya B Akhmetalieva1, Aruzhan E Nugmanova1, Yerkingali A Batyrgaliev1,

Kharon A Amerkhanov2, Foat G Kayumov3, Nadezhda A Tretyakova 3

¹Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University (Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan)

2Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Moscow, Russia)

3Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg, Russia)

Summary. Production gains and improving the quality of meat is one of the main tasks of the agro-industrial country complex. This problem can be solved by developing of a specialized industry - beef cattle breeding. Monitoring of the existing system of livestock feeding is relevant in commercial beef cattle breeding in order to develop optimal diets for commercial farms, taking into account their regional distribution and fodder diversity. It allows us to develop optimal diets for commodity farms, taking into account their regional location and feed diversity. Very important issues are the use of modern technologies and evaluation methods of the productive qualities of animals on feedlots, as well as the development of optimal diets and fattening times depending on the region. The purpose of these researches is to study the efficiency of feed additives in the spring, late summer and autumn periods during pasture maintenance. Research works were carried out in the period 2018-2020 in the Peasant Farms «Ibrahim», «Zhakashev T.T» and «Nuh» of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Protein-vitamin-mineral supplement 20 %, carbohydrate-vitamin-mineral feed concentrate Felucene, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate Purina and Rumi Vita Pro were purchased for the study of additional forage and mineral supplements. The use of feed additives in diets helps to optimize the ratio of basic nutrients, it has a positive effect on their use by animals and the productive performance of experimental groups of animals. The animals of the experimental group I, who received Russian feed additives of the «Rumi Vita Pro» had higher results of the economic efficiency of the use of additional forage and mineral additives.

Key words: beef cattle breeding, steers, heifers, feeding, pastures, feed, feed additives, productivity, economic efficiency, Republic of Kazakhstan.


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Nasambaev Edige Gapuevich, Dr. Sci (Agr.), Professor of Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University, 090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Zhangir Khan street, 51, tel.: 8-777-468-23-67, e-mail: Nasambaeve@mail.ru

Akhmetalieva Aliya Bolatovna, Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University, 090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Zhangir Khan street, 51, tel.: 8-701-411-91-83 e-mail: Akhmetalieva@mail.ru

Nugmanova Aruzhan Erkinovna, PhD, Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University, 090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Zhangir Khan street, 51, tel.: 8-777-060-64-33, e-mail: Aru_kyz@mail.ru

Batyrgaliev Yerkingali Azamatovich, Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University, 090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Zhangir Khan street, 51, tel.: 8-775-244-07-51, e-mail: Erkin231088@mail.ru    

Amerkhanov Kharon Adiyevich, Dr. Sci (Agr.), Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, 127550, Moscow, Russia, 49 Timiryazevskaya str.: 8(499)976-40-40, e-mail: h.amerhanov@orgau-msha.ru

Kayumov Foat Galimovich, Dr. Sci (Agr.), Professor, Head of Research, Head of the Laboratory for New Breeds and Types of Beef Cattle, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 9 Yanvarya St., 29, tel.: 8(3532)30-81-76, cell.:8-987-341-75-80, е-mail: vniims.or@mail.ru, fncbst@mail.ru

Tretyakova Nadezhda Andreevna, specialist, Beef Cattle Breeding Department, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 9 Yanvarya St., 29, tel.: 8(3532)30-81-74, e-mail: e-mail: fncbst@mail.ru

Received: 16 February 2021; Accepted: 15 March 2021; Published: 31 March 2021
