Kinispai M Dzhulamanov, Nikolay P Gerasimov, Vladimir I Kolpakov
Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2021. Vol. 104, no 4. Р. 57-66.
The breeding value assessment of the first-calf cowbane Aberdeen-Angus breed
of different genotypes using a contactless automated system
Kinispai M Dzhulamanov1, Nikolay P Gerasimov2, Vladimir I Kolpakov3
1,2,3Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia
Abstract. The automated system take over from labor-intensive subjective methods of assessing[1]productive and tribal qualities. It can predict many economic and useful features. The purpose of our research was to study the formation of breeding value of the Aberdeen-Angus breed of different genotypes using a contactless automated assessment system. For this, animals belonging to the Australian (n=15) and American (n=15) breeds were isolated in the breeder flock of the Aberdeen-Angus breed. Body and live mass measurements were determined using automatic identification of morphological characteristics of each animal based on 3D cameras. The Aberdeen Anguses of the American selection were characterized by the largest size and massive based on three-dimensional measurement data. They exceeded peers in absolutely all parameters of weight and linear growth. A subjective assessment of the constitution and points, carried out visually on a 100-point scale, confirmed 3D data on the size and harmoniousness of the first-calf cowbane frame of American selection. Thus, the tested method of contactless determination of breeding value in meat cattle breeding provides labor savings during the field stage of valuation, avoids human contact with an animal when measuring weight and linear growth, increases the objectivity and reliability of analysis and evaluation of breeding processes in breeding herds and predicts the productivity of meat cattle based on the results of genetic examination.
Keywords: cattle, first-calf cowbane, Aberdeen-Angus breed, breeding value, living mass, linear measurements, contactless measurement
Acknowledgments: the work was performed in accordance to the plan of research works for 2021-2023 FSBRI FRC BST RAS (No. 0526-2021-0001).
For citation: Dzhulamanov KM, Gerasimov NP, Kolpakov VI. The breeding value assessment of the first-calf cowbane Aberdeen-Angus breed of different genotypes using a contactless automated system. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2021;104(4):57-66. (In Russ.).
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Information about the authors:
Kinispai M Dzhulamanov, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Head of the Breeding and Genetic Center For Beef Cattle Breeds, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Russia, 29 9 Yanvarya St., tel.: 8(3532)30-81-74.
Nikolay P Gerasimov, Dr. Sci. (Biology), Senior Researcher, Breeding and Genetic Center For Beef Cattle Breeds, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Russia, 29 9 Yanvarya St., cell: 8-912-358-96-17.
Vladimir I Kolpakov, Cand. Sci (Agriculture), Researcher of the Breeding and Genetic Center For Beef Cattle Breeds, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, 29 9 Yanvarya St., tel.: 8(3532)30-81-74.
Статья поступила в редакцию 15.11.2021; одобрена после рецензирования 23.11.2021; принята к публикации 13.12.2021.