Olga S Grechishkina, Roza D Khutambirdina, Mikhail P Mordvintsev

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2021. Vol. 104, no 4. Р. 217-232.


 Amount and structure of grain yield of spring soft wheat varieties in various types of drought conditions

Olga S Grechishkina1, Roza D Khutambirdina2, Mikhail P Mordvintsev3

1,2,3Orenburg State Agrarian University, Orenburg, Russia




Abstract. The article analyzes the results of studying the magnitude and coupled variability of grain yield and its structural elements in spring soft wheat varieties of the working collection of the Orenburg State Agrarian University in sharply different weather conditions – with early summer (2019) and long (2020)  drought.  According  to  the  method  of competitive state testing, 19 varieties were studied for two

years. These varieties were currently or previously recommended for cultivation in the Ural region of varietal zoning of Russia, which determined a grain yield and 12 structural elements of the crop. The varieties Kinelskaya Volna and Orenburgskaya 23, which are promising as a source material for breeding for productivity in drought conditions, demonstrated high resistance to drought of both types. Correlation and path analyzes have established changes in the composition and number of productivity traits of agrocenosis and plants associated with the productivity of varieties in different years. It was revealed that under conditions of different droughts types, the leading structural elements of the grain yield of wheat in its varietal diversity are different components (the density of the productive plant stand during early summer drought and the weight of 1000 grains of the main spike during prolonged drought). Therefore, for different types of droughts, highly productive genotypes should be selected according to the severity of different structural elements of the yield.

Keywords: spring soft wheat, varieties, drought, yield, yield structure, correlation coefficients and paths, Orenburg region

For citation: Grechishkina OS, Khutambirdina RD, Mordvintsev MP. Amount and structure of grain yield of spring soft wheat varieties in various types of drought conditions. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2021;104(4):217-232. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33284/2658-3135-104-4-217


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 Information about the authors:

Olga S Grechishkina, Cand. Sci. (Agriculture), Head Researcher of the Research and Development Department of the Orenburg State Agrarian University, 460001, Orenburg, Malo-Torgovy lane, 2, tel.: +7-922-531-41-23.

Roza D Khutambirdina, Researcher of the Research and Development Department, Orenburg State Agrarian University, 460001, Orenburg, Malo-Torgovy lane, 2, tel.: +7-987-855-94-33.

Mikhail P Mordvintsev, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Leading Researcher of the Research and Development Department of the Orenburg State Agrarian University, Leading Researcher, 460001, Orenburg, Malo-Torgovy Lane, 2, tel.: +7-906-841-63-80.

The article was submitted 05.09.2021; approved after reviewing 24.09.2021; accepted for publication 13.12.2021
