Alexey N Frolov, Oleg A Zavyalov, Anatoly V Kharlamov, Gary A Morgan, Ivan M Dunin

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2021. Vol. 104, no 4. Р. 79-88.


 Assessment of the adaptation qualities of Hereford livestock of imported breeding to the conditions of the South Ural biogeochemical province based on the study of reproductive qualities

and biochemical values of blood serum

Alexey N Frolov1, Oleg A Zavyalov2, Anatoly V Kharlamov3, Gary A Morgan4, Ivan M Dunin5

1,2,3Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia

4Veterinary Management Services Ltd, Prince Edward Island, Canada

5All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding Work, Moscow region, Village Forest Glades, Russia,,


Abstract. The work evaluates the adaptation qualities of Hereford livestock of imported breeding to the conditions of the South Ural biogeochemical province based on the study of reproductive qualities and

biochemical values of blood serum. The evaluation results showed that during the first insemination of the Hereford breed of imported selection, problems with reproducing functions were revealed - 7.8% did not become inseminated, 70% of inseminated animals had heavy births, but later the childbirth was easy. In the first-calf cowbane, postpartum complications were noted in the form of uterine loss, postpartum endometritis, rupture of the vulva. As animals adapt to the new biogeochemical province, their body undergoes significant changes in the biochemical parameters of blood. There are an increase in the content of total protein, albumins, AST, vitamin A, carotene, with a decrease in the total content of globulins and its fractions.

Evaluation of the serum mineral composition showed that over 9 months of the stay of cattle in the new biogeochemical province in its composition, concentrations have decreased the concentration of Ca, Se, Cu, Co, Zn, with an increase in Fe and Mn. A comparison with the physiological norm of serum elements showed that if at the beginning of the experiment out of 8 chemical elements studied 7 went beyond the norm, then by the end their number decreased to 5.

Keywords: cattle, imported cattle, Hereford breed, adaptation, reproductive qualities, biochemical blood values, chemical elements

For citation: Frolov AN, Zavyalov OA, Kharlamov AV, Morgan GA, Dunin IM. Assessment of the adaptation qualities of Hereford livestock of imported breeding to the conditions of the South Ural biogeochemical province based on the study of reproductive qualities and biochemical values of blood serum. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2021;104(4):78-88. (In Russ.).


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 Information about the authors:

Alexey N Frolov, Cand. Sci. (Agricultural), Acting Head of Department of Technology for Beef Cattle Breeding and Beef Production, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 29, 9 Yanvarya St., tel.: 8(3532)30-81-78.

Oleg A Zavyalov, Dr. Sci. (Biology), Leading Researcher, Department of Technology of Beef Cattle Breeding and Beef Production, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 29, 9 Yanvarya St., tel.: 8(3532)30-81-78.

Anatoly V Kharlamov, Dr. Sci. (Agricultural), Professor, Chief Researcher, Department of Technology for Beef Cattle Breeding and Beef Production, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, Russia, 29, 9 Yanvarya St., tel.: 8(3532)30-81-78.

Gary A Morgan, Dr. Sci. (Veterinary), Scientific Consultant, Veterinary Management Services Ltd, Prince Edward Island, Canada COB 1VO, tel.: +1(902)859184.

Ivan M Dunin, Dr. Sci. (Agricultural), Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Scientific Direction, All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding Work, 141212, Russia, Moscow region, Pushkin district, Village Forest Glades, Lenin St., tel.: 8(495)515-95-57.

The article was submitted 17.11.2021; approved after reviewing 23.11.2021; accepted for publication 13.12.2021.
