Radina А Ulimbasheva

Peculiarities of growth of rams of the Soviet meat and wool breed, depending on timing

of insemination and lambing of ewes

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-103-2-93

UDC 636.32/38 (470.64)

Peculiarities of growth of rams of the Soviet meat and wool breed, depending on timing

of insemination and lambing of ewes

Radina А Ulimbasheva

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center (Stavropol, Russia)

Summary. The article presents data on fertility of ewes, livability and growth indicators of sheep of the Soviet meat and wool breed in the conditions of LLC «Dargan» of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Groups of ewes were formed taking into account age (2nd lambing) and time of insemination. Insemination of ewes of the 1st group occurred during September, 2 – October and 3 group – November. Each group included 75 heads. All experimental groups of ewes were inseminated with semen of the same ram-producer in a cervical manner. During lambing, corresponding groups of rams were formed with 20 animals in each group. It was established that by age of weaning the largest number of lambs remained in the group of animals obtained from lambing in the months of February and March, the smallest – in the group of April lambing. As a result of February and March lambing, superiority in live weight of sheep over animals obtained from April lambing was 1.1-1.5 kg (P≤0.001) at 2 months of age, 1.8-2 at 4 months of age 6 kg (P≤0.001), 6 months old – 3.4-4.2 kg (P≤0.001) and 9 months old – 4.1-5.4 kg (P≤0.001). Over the entire growing period, the absolute increase in live weight of sheep born in March was 38.3 kg, which is 5.5 kg higher on average than the peers of the April period of birth (P> 0.999) without significant differences with animals of February birth. As expected, as a result of a larger absolute increase in live weight of rams of group 2, average daily growths were higher than in other groups. Consequently, insemination during September and October, and, accordingly, lambing of ewes in February and March, when young animals are transferred to pastures in May with higher growth characteristics, is most appropriate when breeding Soviet sheep and meat sheep in the North Caucasus region.

Key words: sheep, rams, Soviet meat and wool breed, insemination, fertility, livability, live weight, growth, month of lambing.


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Ulimbasheva Radina Alekseevna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Researcher at the Department of Feeding and Fodder Production, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production-a branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center 355017, Stavropol, per. Zootechnical, house 15, tel.: 8(928)720-26-35; e-mail: ulimbasheva1976@mail.ru

Received: 2 June 2020; Accepted: 15 June 2020; Published: 8 July 2020
