Soloshenko V.A, Mager S.N, Inerbaev B.O.
DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-103-3-46
UDC 636.22/28.082.13(571.56)
Basic principles of creating a model of effective beef cattle breeding industry
in the northern territories of the Russian Federation
Vladimir A Soloshenko, Sergey N Mager, Bazarbay O Inerbaev
Siberian Federal Research Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Summary. The article reveals the substantiation of main fundamental approaches to creating an effective industry of specialized beef cattle breeding in the northern regions of the Russian Federation. In the southwestern part of Russia, they are focused on the production of premium beef, mainly from the Abereen-Angus breed, using technologies developed in countries with a moderately mild climate. The formation of industry in Siberia is impossible without taking into account its sharply continental climate, characterized by a large range of temperatures, high humidity, and specific feed resources. They place special demands on animals and technology. The biotechnological assessment of 11 beef and 2 low productive dairy breeds, according to 19 indicators, carried out by SibNIIPTIZH made it possible to single out the leaders by the sum of points (Kalmyk, Aberdeen-Angus, Galloway, Hereford, Kazakh white-headed, and Simmental). The concept of creating a new beef breed based on Simmental for the northern boggy zone is especially relevant. According to the results of studies made by regional research institutes, it was noted that with the onset of cold weather, the thickness of skin fold increases by 5.5% in comparison with summer, the hair contains by 21.5% more fluff, it indicates a good adaptive response to the conditions of Siberia and Transbaikalia. By the study of reproductive functions of dams of this breed from 2003 to 2014 it was found that over 12 years final accretion was 85-95% and among 103 cases of calving, veterinary care was required only twice. Calves of beef Simmentals show high growth vigor of 1300-1400 g per day up to 20 months of age. Therefore, taking into account the results of research, schemes have been developed for creating new genotypes for the conditions of the northern zone of Western and Eastern Siberia, as well as for the Republic of Yakutia. The search for markers of cold resistance has been started. It is necessary to develop elements of keeping technology with minimum consumption of energy resources and building materials.
Key words: beef cattle breeding, cattle breed, cattle genotype, Simmental breed, average daily gain, livestock adaptation, beef production, Siberia, Yakutia.
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Soloshenko Vladimir Andreevich, Dr. Sci. (Agr.), Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of scientific direction SibNIPTIZH Siberian Federal Research Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 630501, Novosibirsk region, The Novosibirsk area, village Krasnoobsk, Sibniptizh, tel.: 8-(383)-348-13-75, e-mail:
Mager Sergey Nikolaevich, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Head of SibNIPTIZH Siberian Federal Research Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 630501, Novosibirsk region, The Novosibirsk area, village Krasnoobsk, Sibniptizh, tel.: 8-(383)-348-13-75, e-mail:
Inerbaev Bazarbay Orazbaevich, Dr. Sci. (Agr.), Head of the Beef Cattle Breeding Laboratory, SibNIPTIZH Siberian Federal Research Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, , 630501, Novosibirsk region, The Novosibirsk area, village Krasnoobsk, Sibniptizh, tel.: 8-(383)-348-07-41, e-mail:
Received: 24 August 2020; Accepted: 14 September 2020; Published: 30 September 2020