Ivanova E.A.

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-103-3-243

UDC 634.117(470.56)

Analysis of indicators of perennial plantings and production of fruit and berry crops in

the Orenburg region (review)

Elena A Ivanova

Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg, Russia)

Summary. The article analyzes the current state and trends in the development of gardening in Orenburg region over the past 18 years. There is a decrease in the area of ​​plantations with a slight increase in the volume of production of fruit and berry products, the concentration of gardening in private subsidiary farms. The total area of ​​fruit and berry plantations decreased in relation to 2000 by 43.7%, at the fruiting age by 34.8%. The area of vine plantations (private sector) has increased 4 times, the gross harvest of grapes 17.6 times. Increasing the efficiency of the horticulture industry and saturating the consumer market with high-quality fruit and berry products is possible with the introduction of intensive agro-technological technologies, with the use of virus-free planting material, increasing the influence of science on the development of scientific and technological progress, and increasing state support. An increase in the gross yield must be achieved as a result of the establishment of new intensive orchards, with the use of adapted varieties that are resistant to local climatic conditions, with high commercial qualities of fruits.

Key words: gardening, fruit and berry crops, perennial plantings, yield, gross harvest, intensive agricultural technologies.


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Ivanova Elena Alekseevna, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Researcher, Laboratory of Biological Tests and Expertise, Feedral Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 460000, Orenburg, 29 9 Yanvarya St., tel.: 8(3532)30-81-70, e-mail: bioelena201273@gmail.com

Received: 7 September 2020; Accepted: 14 September 2020; Published: 30 September 2020
