Musa S Gabaev

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-103-4-109

UDC 636.32/.38:638.082(470.64)

Influence of rams on milkability of daughters of the Karachai breed and dynamics

of live weight of their offspring

Musa S Gabaev

Institute of Agriculture - Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center" Kabardino-Balkarian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences ISKh KBSC RAS) (Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russia)

Summary. The peculiarities of influence of rams on milkability of ewes, growth and development of their offspring were studied in the specific conditions of the year-round grazing of sheep in the mountainous area.

In October, the ewes were inseminated by high-yielding elite rams of the same age. In the course of lambing in March, taking into account the paternity there were formed five groups of comparable ewes, the third lambing, with live weight of 47.5±1.5 kg. Each group consisted of 30 heads (15 mothers of young rams and 15 mothers of ewe lambs).

Among the mothers of young rams, the daughters of rams No. 2283 and No. 2237 were superior to their herdmates in milk production by 13.0-11.2 kg (P≤0.001). The young rams generated from daughters of the rams No. 2283 and No. 2237 were superior to their herdmates in live weight at 20 days by 3.0-2.6 kg, at 2 months - by 3.4-2.9 kg, at 4 months - by 5.3-4.3 kg, at 6 months - by 4.9-4.2 kg (P≤0.001).

The offspring of sires No. 2283, No. 2237 and No. 2819 were distinguished by a higher milkability among the mothers of ewe lambs, their superiority over the herdmates ranged within 11.2-5.0 kg (P≤0.001).

At 2 months the ewe lambs-offspring of ram No. 2283 were superior the offspring of rams No. 2146 and No. 2511 in live weight by 2.0-2.6 kg (P≤0.001), offspring of rams No. 2237 and No. 2819 - by 0.9-1.7 kg (P≤0,01).

Further, in regard to intensity of growth and development  ewe lambs from the daughters with higher milkability of sires No. 2283, No. 2237 and No. 2819 surpassed their herdmates: at 2 months the ewe lambs-offspring of ram No. 2283 were superior to the offspring of rams No. 2146 and No. 2511 by 2.0-2.6 kg (P≤0.001), offspring of rams No. 2237 and No. 2819 - by 0.9-1.7 kg (P≤0.01), at 4 months - by 4.5-2.8 kg and at 6 months - by 3.4-6.0 kg (P≤0.001).

The performed studies confirm that effectiveness of selection for increasing milkability of ewes in mountain meat-coarse-wool sheep breeding will have greater impact if one selects not only ewes, but also ram sires from abundant milk ewes, with an assessment of half-sisters, then daughters.

Key words: sheep, the Karachai breed, selection, rams, milkability of ewes, lambs, growth and development, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.


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Gabaev Musa Sultanovich, Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Senior Researcher, Institute of Agriculture - Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center" Kabardino-Balkarian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences"(ISKh KBSC RAS), 360004, 224 Kirov St, Nalchik, Russia, tel: 8(8662) 77-03-16, e-mail:

Received: 11 November 2020; Accepted: 14 December 2020; Published: 31 December 2020
