Yuri N Prytkov, Boris V Ageev, Ekaterina V Bochkareva, Kristina V Kiseleva, Esmira N Aliyeva

 DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-103-4-210

UDC 636.5

Egg productivity of laying hens of the Brown Nick cross using Hostazim Combi

Yuri N Prytkov1, Boris V Ageev1,2, Ekaterina V Bochkareva1,2, Kristina V Kiseleva1,

Esmira N Aliyeva3

1 Mordovia State University named after Ogarev NP (Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Russia) 

2 Poultry farm LLC "Avangard" of Ruzaevsky municipal (Republic of Mordovia, Russia)

3 Independent consultant for feeding farm animals and poultry (Moscow, Russia)

Summary. The article presents the results of studies on the use of the multi-enzyme preparation Hostazim Combi (manufactured by Hyuvepharm, Bulgaria) in addition to the basic diet of Brown Nick cross-layer hens. The purpose of the experiment was to study the effect of feeding with freshly harvested grain. During the experiment, the main production indicators were taken into account, such as productivity, safety and feed conversion. Experimental and control groups had appropriate full-value mixed feed corresponding to the physiological needs of the Brown Nick cross. Wheat of the new harvest in the diet was more than 45%. 1.5% premix was used in the diet with an enzyme preparation from another manufacturer. An additional introduction of Hostazim Combi into the diet of laying hens at a dosage of 150 g per ton of feed is shown to reduce the influence of anti-nutritional factors after using freshly harvested grain. In feeding laying hens, the Brown Nick Hostazim Combi contributes to an increase in egg productivity and the safety of the livestock, even in mature birds over 36 weeks of age.

Key words: laying hens, enzymes, freshly harvested grain, livestock safety, egg productivity, feeding.


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Prytkov Yuri Nikolayevich, Dr. Sci (Аgr.), Professor, Chief Department of Animal Science named after Professor Lapshin SA, Director of Agrarian Institute, Mordovia State University named after Ogarev NP, 430904, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Russia, 37 Rossiyskaya St., phone/fax (8342)25-41-11, tel.: 25-41-04, tel.: 89272763813, е-mail: agro-inst@adm.mrsu.ru

Ageev Boris Vladimirovich, postgraduate student of the Department of Animal Science named after professor Lapshin SA of the Agrarian Institute, Mordovia State University anmed after Ogarev NP, 430904, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Russia, 37 Rossiyskaya St., tel .: 89271834816, e-mail: avangard-zootech@mail.ru; chief zootechnician of poultry farm LLC "Avangard" of Ruzaevsky municipal, 431471, Republic of Mordovia, Russia, Ruzaevsky district, s. Insar-Akshino, st. Youth

Bochkareva Ekaterina Vladimirovna, postgraduate student of the Department of Animal Science named after professor Lapshin SA of the Agrarian Institute, Mordovia State University anmed after Ogarev NP, 430904, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Russia, 37 Rossiyskaya St., tel.: 89271957001, е-mail: anastasova_1987@mail.ru; zootechnician of poultry farm LLC "Avangard" of Ruzaevsky municipal, 431471, Republic of Mordovia, Russia, Ruzaevsky district, s. Insar-Akshino, st. Youth

Kiseleva Kristina Valerevna, postgraduate student of the Department of Animal Science named after professor Lapshin SA of the Agrarian Institute, Mordovia State University anmed after Ogarev NP, 430904, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Russia, 37 Rossiyskaya St., tel: 89026691870, е-mail: kristina_kiseleva_valerevna@mail.ru

Aliyeva Esmira Namik kyzy, Independent consultant for feeding farm animals and poultry, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: esmirrrra@mail.ru

Received: 11 December 2020; Accepted: 14 December 2020; Published: 31 December 2020
