Vladimir I Kosilov, Anatoliy V Кharlamov, Faisulo S Amirshoev, Ilmira A Rakhimzhanova, Ruziya F Tretiyakova, Foat G Kayumov

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2022. Vol. 105, no 2. Р. 17-27.


The effect of the bull-calves’ genotype and the season of the year on protein composition, transaminase activity and natural resistance in blood serum

 Vladimir I Kosilov1, Anatoliy V Кharlamov2, Faisulo S Amirshoev3, Ilmira A Rakhimzhanova4, Ruziya F Tretiyakova5, Foat G Kayumov6

1,4Orenburg State Agrarian University, Orenburg, Russia

2,5,6Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia

3Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

1kosilov_vi@bk.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4754-1771

2harlamov52@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9477-6568

3afaizullo64@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8009-8057

4kaf36@orensau.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7771-7291

5kserev_1976@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5155-4295

6nazkalms@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9241-9228

 Abstract. Cattle breeding is an important source of beef, which occupies a significant place in the meat balance of the country. Monitoring of physiological state of body using hematological tests is necessary in intensive rearing of young animals for meat. The purpose of the study is to determine the indicators of protein metabolism and natural resistance in bull-calves of different breeds. At the same time, 3 groups of bull-calves were formed with 15 individuals in each group: I – Red Steppe, II – Simmental, III – Kazakh White-headed. During the study, the influence of the season of the year and the genotype of bull-calves on the concentration of total protein and its fractions in blood serum, transaminase activity and indicators of natural resistance was established. An increase in the level of the studied indicators and a decrease in β-lysines was noted in the summer period. Moreover, the advantage was on the side of the Kazakh white-headed bull-calves in all cases. Thus, in the summer period, they surpassed the young of the Red Steppe and Simmental breeds in the content of total protein in blood serum by 7.31% and 4.32%, respectively, albumin – by 7.85% and 5.34%, globulins – by 6.82% and 1.45%, AST activity – by 19.08% and 9.86%, ALT – by 33.33%. and 11.29%, BABS – by 4.93% and 2.81%, lysozyme – by 30.79 and 13.18%, β-lysines – by 4.00% and 2.07%.

Keywords: cattle breeding, bull-calves, Red Steppe, Simmental, Kazakh white-headed breed, blood serum, total protein and its fractions, AST, ALT, BABS, lysozyme, β-lysines

For citation: Kosilov VI, Кharlamov АV, Amirshoev FS, Rakhimzhanova IА, Tretiyakova RF, Kayumov FG. The effect of the bull-calves’ genotype and the season of the year on protein composition, transaminase activity and natural resistance in blood serum. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2022;105(2):17-27. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33284/2658-3135-105-2-17


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 Information about authors:

Vladimir I Kosilov, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor, Professor of the Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products, Orenburg State Agrarian University, 18, Chelyuskintsev St., Orenburg, 460014, tel.: 8(3532)77-93-28.

Anatoliy V Кharlamov, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor, Chief Researcher, Department of Technology for Beef Cattle Breeding and Beef Production, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 29 9 Yanvarya St., Orenburg, 460000, tel.: 8(3532)30-81-78.

Faisulo S Amirshoev, Dr. Sci. (Biology), Professor, Vice-President of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 21 “A”, Rudaki Avenue, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 734025, tel.: 810992372310607.

Ilmira A Rakhimzhanova, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor, Head of the Department of Electrical Technology and Electrical Equipment, Orenburg State Agrarian University, st. A.V. Kovalenko, 4, Orenburg, 460014, tel.: 8(3532)77-15-37.

Ruziya F Tretiyakova, Cand. Sci. (Biology), Junior Researcher, Beef Cattle Breeding Department, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 29 9 Yanvarya St., Orenburg, 460000, tel.: 8(3532)30-81-74.

Foat G Kayumov, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor, Head of Research, Head of the Laboratory of New Breeds and Types of Beef Cattle, Federal Research Centre for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 29 9 Yanvarya St., Orenburg, 460000, tel.: 8(3532)30-81-76, tel: 8-987-341-75-80.

The article was submitted 11.04.2022; approved after reviewing 20.04.2022; accepted for publication 14.06.2022.
