Alexander A Mushinsky, Aliya Z Saudabaeva, Tatyana N Vasilyeva

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2022. Vol. 105, no 3. Р. 153-160.


Original article


The effect of biostimulants on Solanum tuberosum L. variety "Udacha" in arid conditions

of Orenburg Cis-Urals

 Alexander A Mushinsky1, Aliya Z Saudabaeva2, Tatyana N Vasilyeva3

1,2,3Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Orenburg, Russia,,

Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of biostimulants Fitosporin-M, Zh (AS) + amino acids and Bionex-Kemi, Zh, (NPK 21:4:4) + ME on potato productivity indicators. As a result of[1] the research, a positive effect of biostimulants on the growth and accumulation of underground biomass of Solanum tuberosum L. variety "Udacha" was established. The analysis showed that when Solanum tuberosum L. plants of Udacha variety are treated with Bionex-Kemi, Zh, NPK 21:4:4 + ME, the content of starch in tubers increases by 1.3%, and when plants are treated with Fitosporin-(M , F (AS) + amino acids) - by 0.9% in comparison with the control variant. The accumulation of underground potato biomass was more intense when using Bionex-Kemi, G, (NPK 21:4:4) + ME. For the cultivation of potatoes in the conditions of the Orenburg Cis-Urals, it is recommended to use the biostimulator Bionex-Kemi, Zh, (NPK 21:4:4) + ME (bioactivated nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer), which stimulates plant growth and the accumulation of underground biomass.

Keywords: potatoes, productivity, marketability, plant morphology, Orenburg region

Acknowledgments: the work was performed in accordance to the plan of research works for 2022-2026 FSBRI FRC BST RAS (No 0526-2022-0015).

For citation: Mushinsky AA, Saudabaeva AZh, Vasilyeva TN. The effect of biostimulants on Solanum tuberosum L. variety "Udacha" in arid conditions of Orenburg Cis-Urals. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2022;105(3):153-160.


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 Информация об авторах:

Александр Алексеевич Мушинский, доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент, ведущий научный сотрудник, заведующий лабораторией картофелеводства, Федеральный научный центр биологических систем и агротехнологий Российской академии наук, 460051, г. Оренбург, пр. Гагарина, 27/1, тел.: 8(3532)233592.

Алия Жонысовна Саудабаева, кандидат биологических наук, научный сотрудник, отдел картофелеводства, Федеральный научный центр биологических систем и агротехнологий Российской академии наук, 460051, г. Оренбург, пр. Гагарина, 27/1, тел.: 89068458151.

Татьяна Николаевна Васильева, кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник, учёный секретарь, Федеральный научный центр биологических систем и агротехнологий Российской академии наук, 460051, г. Оренбург, пр. Гагарина, 27/1, тел.: 89225438990.

Information about authors:

Alexander A Mushinsky, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Head of the Potato Growing, Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 27/1 Gagarin Ave, Orenburg, 460051, tel.: 8(3532)233592.

Aliya Z Saudabaeva, Cand. Sci (Biology), Researcher, Department of Potato Growing, Federal Research  Centre  of  Biological  Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 27/1 Gagarin Ave, Orenburg, 460051,tel.: 89068458151.

Tatyana N Vasilyeva, Cand. Sci (Biology), Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary, Federal Research  Centre  of  Biological  Systems  and  Agrotechnologies  of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 27/1 Gagarin Ave, Orenburg, 460051, tel.: 89225438990.

The article was submitted 28.07.2022; approved after reviewing 26.08.2022; accepted for publication 12.09.2022.
