Ksenia K Mulyavka, Lyudmila Yu Ovchinnikova
Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2022. Vol. 105, no 4. Р. 59-70.
Original article
Evaluation of sires by the body conformation type of daughters in the conditions of a breeding farm
Ksenia K Mulyavka1, Lyudmila Yu Ovchinnikova2
1,2South Ural State Agrarian University, Troitsk, Russia
1ksuha037@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8642-0131
2L.U.Ovchinnikova@bk.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1576-1729
Abstract. Further improvement of Holsteinized Black-and-White cattle requires the introduction of additional methods for evaluation animals by phenotype in the Ural region. The linear estimation of sires’ daughters according to the A system made it possible to characterize the exterior and identify the interline differences in the development of individual linear traits in cows from a highly productive herd. It was found that the tallest cows rated 8.2 points were the daughters from Ferdy 921967107 sire of Reflection Sovering 198998 line, the daughters from Ferdy 921967107 and Dancer 71088577 sires distinguished themselves with the best fortress physique. The highest severity of dairy forms was noted in daughters from Sorendosa 92658692 sire - 7.0 points, the largest pelvic width had daughters form Seoul 3372306157, Ferdy 921967107 and Unique 69716820 sires - 5.5 points, their advantage over the average for the herd was 5.4%. The daughters from Ferdy 921967107 sire were characterized by an average muscularity (4.4 points). Daughters from Ferdy 921967107 sire were distinguished by the highest milk yield among the evaluated by exterior first-calf cows - 8055 kg. The least productive among the progeny of all sires of the studied lines were the daughters from Sunrey 4109204856, Thunderlight 928772375 and Molot 3763 sires. A strong relationship (r=0.76) was found between the rear leg stance and milk yield in the daughters from Ferdy 921967107 sire. An average positive relationship was found between dairy forms and milk yield (r=0.32) in progeny from Unique 69716820, between sacrum length and milk yield - in daughters from Hammer 37631(r=0.37), between pelvic width, muscularity and milk yield - in daughters from Ferdy 921967107 (r=0.32-0.43).
Keywords: sires, Black-and-White cattle, exterior, linear estimation, correlation, body conformation type, linear profile
For citation: Mulyavka KK, Ovchinnikova LYu. Evaluation of sires by the body type conformation of daughters in the conditions of a breeding farm. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2022;105(4):59-70. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33284/2658-3135-105-4-59
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Information about authors:
Ksenia K Mulyavka, assistant of the Department of Biology, Ecology, Genetics and Animal Breeding, South Ural State Agrarian University, 457103, 13 Gagarin St., Troitsk, Chelyabinsk Region, 457103, tel.: 89127937818.
Lyudmila Yu Ovchinnikova, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor, Head of the Department of Biology, Ecology, Genetics and Animal Breeding, South Ural State Agrarian University, 13 Gagarin St., Troitsk, Chelyabinsk Region, 457103, tel.: 8-9000778735.
The article was submitted 28.10.2022; approved after reviewing 21.11.2022; accepted for publication 12.12.2022.