Valentina N Bagrintseva, Ivan N Ivashenenko, Dmitry Y Sotchenko

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2023. Vol. 106, no 3. Р. 213-224.




Original article

Influence of foliar application with Batr Zinc microfertilizer on corn yield and grain feeding quality


Valentina N Bagrintseva1, Ivan N Ivashenenko2, Dmitry Y Sotchenko3

1,2,3All-Russian research scientific institute of corn, Pyatigorsk, Stavropol region, Russia,,,


Abstract. The article presents studying results of the influence of the timing of corn foliar application with Batr Zinc microfertilizer on the yield of green mass and grain, as well as its feeding quality. Additional fertilizing was carried out in different growth and development phases of corn (at 5 and 8 leaves) without the use of mineral fertilizers, as well as on the background of ammonium nitrate (N30) and ammonium nitrate phosphate fertilizer (N30P30K30) introduced before sowing. The studies were carried out on the mid-early Mashuk 220 MV and mid-ripening Mashuk 355 MV hybrids. Foliar feeding of plants at the 5-leaf phase with Batr Zinc microfertilizer without mineral fertilizers increased green mass yield of the Mashuk 220 MV corn hybrid by 5.7 t/ha (18.5%), at 8-leaf phase by 5.3 t/ha (17.2%), Mashuk 355 MV hybrid – by 5.2 t/ha (17.2%) and 3.3 t/ha (10.9 %). Fertilizing plants at the 5-leaf phase increased green mass yield only for Mashuk 355 MV hybrid against the background of N30 by 3.6 t/ha and N30P30K30 by 1.1 t/ha. Fertilizing plants in the 5-leaf phase without mineral fertilizers increased the grain yield of the corn hybrid Mashuk 220 MV by 0.66 t/ha (11.8%), in 8-leaf phase by 0.59 t/ha (10.6%), hybrid Mashuk 355 MV – by 0.90 t/ha (15.7%) and 0.63 t/ha (11.0 %). Additional fertilizing in the 5-leaf phase relative to the background of N30, increased grain yield of the Mashuk 220 MV hybrid by 0.04 t/ha, Mashuk 355 MV hybrid by 0.38 t/ha. The increase in the yield of green mass and corn grain is not significant, but higher when feeding plants in the 5-leaf phase. Spraying plants in 5- and 8-leaf phases with microfertilizer increased the protein content in the grain of the Mashuk 220 MV hybrid by 1.09 and 0.91%, the Mashuk 355 MV hybrid – by 0.48 and 0.45%. Against the background of N30, the protein content in the grain of the Mashuk 220 MV hybrid increased by 0.23 % from application in the 5-leaf phase. The amount of digestible protein in 1 kg of grain and in 1 fodder unit increased with an increase in the protein content in the grain.

Keywords: corn, fertilizers, microfertilizer, Батр Цинк, foliar application, green mass, grain, quality

For citation: Bagrintseva VN, Ivashenenko IN, Sotchenko DY. Influence of foliar application with Batr Zinc microfertilizer on corn yield and grain feeding quality. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2023;106(3):213-224. (In Russ.).



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Information about the authors:

Valentina N Bagrintseva, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor, Chief Researcher of Department of Maize Cultivation Technology, All-Russian Research Scientific Institute of Maize, 14 o Ermolova Str., 1 room, Pyatigorsk, 357528, phone: 8(8793)97-60-67.

Ivan N Ivashenenko, Cand. Sci. (Agriculture), Leading Researcher of Department of Maize Cultivation Technology, All-Russian Research Scientific Institute of Maize, 14 o Ermolova Str., 1 room, Pyatigorsk, 357528, phone: 8(8793)97-60-67.

Dmitry Y Sotchenko, Postgraduate Student, Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Breeding and Genetic Research of Department of Maize Breeding,  All-Russian Research Scientific Institute of Maize, 14 o Ermolova Str., 1 room, Pyatigorsk, 357528, phone: 8(8793)97-60-67.


The article was submitted 22.05.2023; approved after reviewing 15.06.2023; accepted for publication 11.09.2023.
