Valery N Kuvshinov, Vasily M Duborezov, Elena Y Tsis
Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024. Vol. 107, no 1. Р. 83-92.
Original artiсle
Productivity and milk quality after feeding high-yielding cows with chlorella suspension
Valery N Kuvshinov1, Vasily M Duborezov2, Elena Y Tsis3
1,2,3 Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member LK Ernst, Dubrovitsy, Russia,, The paper presents the results of the experiment conducted in Moscow region on high-yielding cows of Black Spotted Holstein breed on feeding prebiotic feed additive "Chlorella Suspension". The animals, formed according to the principle of pair analogues with 12 heads in each, were kept in tie stalls in the second-third month after calving. In addition to the main diet consisting of silage, haylage, hay, beer pellets and concentrates, the cows of the experimental group were additionally fed with a supplement based on microscopic algae in the amount of one liter per head per day for 120 days. As a result of the experiment it was found that cows of the control group, which did not receive the supplement, the average daily milk yield for the period of the experiment decreased from 35.71 kg to 26.58 kg or by 25.6%, and in cows of the experimental group - from 36.54 kg to 30.75 kg or by 15.8%. The difference in average daily milk yield for the whole period of research amounted to 3.85 kg of milk. The experimental group also showed higher indicators of fat-milk and protein-milk productivity. From each cow during the period of experiment, an average of 148.19 kg of milk fat and 131.02 kg of protein were obtained from each cow, which is 13.94 kg and 10.64 kg more than in the control group, respectively.
Keywords: cows, prebiotic feed additive, chlorella suspension, average daily milk yield, fat-milk productivity, protein-milk productivity
Acknowledgments: the work was carried out with the help and support of the management and specialists of PZ "Naro-Osanovsky". We express our gratitude to the general director Alexander Nikolaevich Rychlik, specialists of zootechnical service Oleg Mikhailovich Tsurtsilin and Irina Mikhailovna Sitnikova.
For сitation: Kuvshinov VN, Duborezov VM, Tsis EYu. Productivity and milk quality after feeding high-yielding cows with chlorella suspension. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):83-92. (In Russ.).
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Information about the authors
Valeriy N Kuvshinov, Co-researcher of the Department of Feeding of Farm Animals, Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member LK Ernst, 60 Dubrovitsy, Podolsk district, Moscow region, 142132, tel.: 8 496 765-12-43.
Vasily M Duborezov, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Feeding of Farm Animals, Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member LK Ernst, 60 Dubrovitsy, Podolsk district, Moscow region, 142132, tel.: 8 496765-12-43.
Elena Y Tsis, Researcher of the Department of Feeding of Farm Animals, Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member LK Ernst, 60 Dubrovitsy, Podolsk district, Moscow region, 142132, tel.: 8 496 765-12-97.
The article was submitted 10.01.2024; approved after reviewing 06.02.2024; accepted for publication 18.03.2024.