Nasambaev E.G., Kayumov F.G., Dzhulamanov K.M., Akhmetalieva A.B., Nugmanova A.Ye., Doszhanova A.O.

Weight growth of young Kazakh white-headed cattle of different genotypes

DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-1-88

UDC 636.082.4:636.2(574.1)

Weight growth of young Kazakh white-headed cattleofdifferent genotypes

E.G. Nasambaev1, F.G. Kayumov2, K.M. Dzhulamanov2, A.B. Akhmetalieva1, A.Ye. Nugmanova1,

A.O. Doszhanova1

1NAO «West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan»

2FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

Summary. The article presents the results of studying the dynamics of live weight of young Kazakh white-headed cattle of different genotypes according to the seasons of calving.

It was established that newborn bulls had a noticeable advantage over the calves by 2.4-2.7 kg (8.9-11.5%). A similar trend regardless of the season of birth was observed up to 8 months of age.

The live weight of purebred bulls at the age of 8 months of the early spring and spring seasons of calving was higher compared to the purebred peers of the winter season of birth by 6.90 kg (P≤0.01).

The late spring spring bulls (May) of the birth season surpassed the spring peers (April) in live weight at 8 months of age by 5.6 kg (P≤0.01). A similar pattern at this age was observed in purebred heifers of early spring and spring over winter obtained animals, and the difference was 3.4 kg (P≤0.05) and 10.4 kg (P≤0.01), respectively.

In the course of study, it was found that purebred bulls and heifers in the farm «Zhakashev», farm «Akhmetov» of the early spring season of birth had advantages in live weight over crossbred animals of the same age by 12.3 kg and 12.9 kg, respectively. In the farm «Nygmet» crossbred bulls and heifers advanced over purebred bulls and heifers in live weight at the age of 8 months according to physiological state by 12.0 and 4.9 kg, respectively.

The data of the average daily gain in live weight of young animals by age periods had genotypic and seasonal differences. The ambiguity of weight growth of animals by age periods of rearing, depending on the season of their calving, assumes taking into account the specific conditions of the farm developing herd improvement programs.

Key words: bulls, heifers, Kazakh white-headed breed, purebred animals, crosses, weight growth, season of birth.


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    Nasambaev Edige Gapuevich, doctor of agricultural sciences, professorNAO «West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan»,090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, 51 Zhangir khan str., tel.: 8(777)4682367, e-mail:

    Kayumov Foat Galimovich, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Head of the Scientific Direction, Head of the Laboratory of New Breeds and Types of Beef Cattle FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9 Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8(3532)43-46-76, 8-987-341-75-80, е-mail:

    Dzhulamanov Kinispay Murzagulovich, doctor of agricultural sciences, Head of Laboratory of Beef Cattle Selection FSBSI «Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences», 460000, Russia, Orenburg, ul. 9Yanvarya, 29, tel.: 8-987-840-49-28, e-mail:

    Akhmetalieva Aliya Bolatovna, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professorNAO «West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan», 090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, 51 Zhangir khan str., tel.: 8(701)411-91-83, e-mail:

    Nugmanova Aruzhan Yerkinovna,PhDof agricultural sciences, associate professor, NAO «West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan», 090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, 51 Zhangir khan str.,tel.: 8(777)0606433, e-mail:

    Doszhanova Aidana Otargalikyzy, master ofagricultural sciences, NAO «West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan», 090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, 51 Zhangir khan str., tel.: 8-775-317-78-66, e-mail:
