Adaptive peculiarities of Red Spotted cattle in the southern Russia
DOI: 10.33284/2658-3135-102-1-121
UDC 636.22/28.082.13(470.64)
Adaptive peculiarities of Red Spotted cattle in the southern Russia
M.B.Ulimbashev1,F.Kh. Kankulova2
1 FSBSI«North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center»
2 FSBEI HE «Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov
Summary. Adaptive abilities of the Red Spotted cattle in new habitat conditions in comparison with the indices of the recognized Red Spotted breed were monitored.
The adaptive abilities of animals were assessed according to clinical, physiological and hematological parameters, reproductive ability and milk production of animals during the period of import of heifers at 5-6 months of pregnancy and during the first lactation. In experimental animals, all clinical parameters were within the physiological standard of cattle. At the same time, the adaptation of Red Spotted cattle to new climatic conditions was accompanied by an increase in the frequency of respiration and heartbeat, which led to an increase in pulmonary ventilation in order to prevent overheating of body. Inter-breed differences in respiratory frequency of heifers of different breeds were 2.4 respiratory movement in one minute, of fresh cows – 2.2 movements, according to the number of heartbeats – 6 and 7 beats per minute, respectively. In body of the Red Spotted cattle, the content of total protein in blood is higher during pregnancy and at 2-3 months of lactation compared with animals of the Red Steppe breed on an average by 3.8-3.9 g/l (P≤0.05), hemoglobin – by 5.6-6.1 g/l (P≤0.05), erythrocytes – by 0.4×10¹²/l. The protective mechanisms of the Red Steppe cows, assessed according to the quantity of leukocytes were higher by 0,4-0,5×109/l (Р≤0,01). In new breeding conditions, the imported cattle showed high reproductive functions – one calf per year was obtained from them, just like from the local Red Steppe cows. Milk yield of fresh cows of the Red Spotted breed exceeded the performance of the Red Steppe cows of the same age by 379 kg (P≤0.01), it attests to a normal course of adaptation process.
Key words: heifers, fresh cows, breed, Red Spotted breed, Red Steppe breed, adaptive abilities, new habitat conditions.
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Ulimbashev Murat Borisovich, doctor of agricultural sciences, assistant professor, FSBSI «North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center»,356241, Stavropol krai, Mikhaylovsk, Nikonov Street, 49, tel.: 8-963-393-70-87, e-mail:
Kankulova Fatimat Hazhislamovna, assistant professor FSBEI HE «Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov», 360030, KBR, Nalchik, Street Lenin, 1 «v», tel.: (8662)40-31-67, e-mail: