Khamit Kh Tagirov, Emilia Kh Latypova, Ilnur F Vagapov

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2023. Vol. 106, no 4. P. 102-111.


Original article

Dynamics of nutrients in the milk of cows of the “Bashkir” type of Black Spotted breed under

the influence of feed premixes using the example of the Megamix-Optilac premix


Khamit Kh Tagirov1, Emilia Kh Latypova2, Ilnur F Vagapov3

1,2,3Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa, Russia,

2emiliya.latypо, 0009-0007-6794-4152,


Abstract. Dairy products are the result of a complex combination of the composition and properties of milk, which directly affect its quantity and quality. The aim of the work is to study the effect of the feed premix Megamix–Optilac on dairy productivity of cattle. Our research was conducted in 2022-2023 in the farms of the Chekmagushevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. To carry out scientific and economic experience, we formed 4 groups of animals (n=20 in each group), selected according to the principle of analogues and kept in equal conditions. The difference between the groups was in feeding: animals of groups I-III, in addition to the main diet, received premix Mega-mix-Optilac with feeding in doses of 100, 150, 200 g / head. The studied premix was not fed to the control group per day. In the course of the research, the protein and fat content in the milk of dairy cows of the "Bashkir" type of Black Sporred breed was determined. The introduction of the feed premix Megamix-Optilac affected the processes of protein synthesis (the minimum value was observed in the control group, the maximum value was in the III experimental group and amounted to 3.16% and 3.27%, respectively; P≤0.05-0.001). The changes also affected the composition of milk proteins, the casein content changed from 2.43% to 2.61% (P≤0.05-0.001). Milk casein was mainly represented by the α-fraction (51.37-51.82%; P≤0.05-0.001). Positive dynamics was also observed in the fat content in milk (3.77-3.89%; P≤0.05-0.01). The analysis of the data obtained indicates the effect of the estimated feed additive on both the number of fat balls in 1 ml (an increase of 7.51% relative to the control) and their diameter (the maximum size was observed in the group consuming 150 g/head. per day. and amounted to 2.61 microns).

Keywords: milk productivity, diet, premixes, milk quality, protein, fat

For citation: Tagirov KhKh,  Latypova EKh, Vagapov IF. Dynamics of nutrients in the milk of cows of the “Bashkir” type of Black Spotted breed under the influence of feed premixes using the example of the Megamix-Optilac premix. Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2023;106(4):102-111. (In Russ.).



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Information about the authors:

Khamit Kh Tagirov, Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor of the Department of Technology of Meat, Dairy Products and Chemistry, Bashkir State Agrarian University, 34, 50 years of Oktaybr Street,  Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, 450001, cell: 89050039927.

Emilia Kh Latypova, 3-year postgraduate student, Faculty of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine, Bashkir State Agrarian University, 34, 50 years of Oktaybr Street,  Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, 450001.

Ilnur F Vagapov, Cand. Sci. (Technical), Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Meat, Dairy Products and Chemistry, Bashkir State Agrarian University, 34, 50 years of Oktaybr Street,  Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, 450001.

The article was submitted 22.11.2023; approved after reviewing 08.12.2023; accepted for publication 11.12.2023.
